How to Repair Chipped Furniture Finish
- 1). Smooth down any frayed wood from the chipped area with 220-grit sandpaper.
- 2). Clean the repair area with a cloth dampened in mineral spirits. Let the mineral spirits evaporate.
- 3). Pick up a small amount of colored wood putty on the end of a plastic putty knife. Force the putty into the chip. Level it off so the putty is just higher than the wood's surface, to account for shrinkage during drying.
- 4). Allow the putty to dry for the time indicated on the label directions. Add another layer of putty if the surface of the putty shrinks below the wood's surface.
- 5). Sand the patched area smooth with 320-grit sandpaper.
- 6). Wipe down the area with mineral spirits to remove any dust left from sanding.
- 7). Draw in lines of wood grain, if necessary, using a wood-grain pencil.
- 8). Paint over the patch with clear wood finish, using a small, round brush.