Balance is often a word tossed around without thought of what is actually means in relation to our lives. If we were to stop and look deeply within ourselves, we may discover that we are actually very much out of balance. In today's world, people tend to say one thing when thinking or feeling another.
How many times have we been asked "how are you?" and our first response is "fine." Are we really fine? Is that how we are truly feeling? I bet not. But, who wants to rattle off a paragraph of true feelings which will probably be responded to with raised eyebrows?
In order to attain life's greatest gifts and what we truly desire for ourselves, we must first be in BALANCE. We must possess a balance between what we feel, think and project into the universe. If we repeatedly say to ourselves "I will be successful," yet really feel insecure in our ability to be a success or verbalize excuses for not being successful, what will we get in return? We will receive the lack of success. This is because the strength of our insecurities and excuses far outweigh our desire for success.
One must be in balance on all levels. Recall the old sayings "you reap what you sow" and "what goes around comes around." These are in fact true.
If you desire success, you must think from the end by BEING success. Projecting success, believing in your success and feeling success will ultimately lead to your success. If you remain in the mindset "if this...then that," chances are what you desire will not come to fruition.
Everyone has the ability to be in balance. You must first decide your desired outcome, think it, feel it and BE it! The vibrations will attract exactly what it is you are seeking.
Spend some time each day listening to your inner self. Listen for the harmony between your feelings, thoughts and actions or the lack thereof. If you are feeling out of balance...change things up and create the balance you need to move forward toward that which you most desire.
Life is too short for discord within oneself...take a stand for yourself and become BALANCED.
Until next time,
Kristen Birmingham, MS MFT LADC
How many times have we been asked "how are you?" and our first response is "fine." Are we really fine? Is that how we are truly feeling? I bet not. But, who wants to rattle off a paragraph of true feelings which will probably be responded to with raised eyebrows?
In order to attain life's greatest gifts and what we truly desire for ourselves, we must first be in BALANCE. We must possess a balance between what we feel, think and project into the universe. If we repeatedly say to ourselves "I will be successful," yet really feel insecure in our ability to be a success or verbalize excuses for not being successful, what will we get in return? We will receive the lack of success. This is because the strength of our insecurities and excuses far outweigh our desire for success.
One must be in balance on all levels. Recall the old sayings "you reap what you sow" and "what goes around comes around." These are in fact true.
If you desire success, you must think from the end by BEING success. Projecting success, believing in your success and feeling success will ultimately lead to your success. If you remain in the mindset "if this...then that," chances are what you desire will not come to fruition.
Everyone has the ability to be in balance. You must first decide your desired outcome, think it, feel it and BE it! The vibrations will attract exactly what it is you are seeking.
Spend some time each day listening to your inner self. Listen for the harmony between your feelings, thoughts and actions or the lack thereof. If you are feeling out of balance...change things up and create the balance you need to move forward toward that which you most desire.
Life is too short for discord within oneself...take a stand for yourself and become BALANCED.
Until next time,
Kristen Birmingham, MS MFT LADC