How to Get Rid of Oily Skin Acne!
I hate acne, don't you? Acne pimples dominated my teenage years and left me with scars for life to prove it.
I've had acne to some degree my entire life.
For me it has been a lifelong battle.
It was a total nightmare for me as a teenager.
I remember looking in the mirror and saying, "oh my gosh, I can't go out in public with acne pimples all over my face.
" I felt embarrassed and ashamed.
I felt dirty! It was disgusting to say the least.
I am here to tell you, having oily skin acne is not your fault! So, stop beating yourself up and take decisive action to get your life back, today.
Acne Pimples are an Awful Sentence for an Innocent Teen Being a teen is hard enough as it is, much less having to deal with all these nasty looking acne pimples.
You ask yourself, "What had I done wrong to deserve this?" Acne pimples took a huge toll on my self-esteem and confidence.
If I could change one thing my teenage years, it would be to ban acne pimples from my life.
It left many scars on my face, back, and shoulders that remain some 40 years later.
The emotional toll was massive and also left many scars.
I remember playing football with a guy that had solid acne pimples and abscesses all over his face, chest, shoulders and back.
He looked like one huge acne pimple.
It was gross! It was the most severe case of acne I have ever seen and was awful to look at.
I really felt so sorry for the guy.
I can't imagine what he must look today with all the acne scars all over his body.
Understanding Acne Pimples Here are some of the basics you should understand about this disease.
Acne is the term for plugged pores blackheads or whiteheads, called acne pimples.
These pores can be plugged with an oil-like substance called sebum, dead cells, tiny hairs, and bacteria.
Acne develops into a cyst with pus-filled pockets.
The pus-filled pockets are called abscesses.
In the advanced stages your skin will become like a hard knot that is very painful to touch.
These deep abscesses cause acne scarring that last a lifetime.
You must attack teen acne in the early stages to stop the acne scarring.
Take Action Now! Big Trouble! Acne Hormones Teen acne is caused by massive hormonal changes that stimulate excess oil production.
The acne hormone called Testosterone is raging in the teenage years.
Acne is a disease of the sebaceous hair follicles.
Each follicle contains a tiny hair plus sebaceous glands, which produce an oily substance called sebum.
The excess oil makes the pores sticky allowing bacteria to become trapped inside.
The result is oily skin acne.
An Inside Job Despite what you may have heard, diet plays a huge role in your skin health.
Eating lots of greasy food usually shows up on your face in 24 hours.
Cut back on all sugar.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Drink plenty of water to flush your system out.
Oily skin acne is controlled from inside-out Not outside-in.
All the treatment lotions in the world will not help if you do not control your diet.
Again, you must treat this disease from inside-out to be successful.
I've had acne to some degree my entire life.
For me it has been a lifelong battle.
It was a total nightmare for me as a teenager.
I remember looking in the mirror and saying, "oh my gosh, I can't go out in public with acne pimples all over my face.
" I felt embarrassed and ashamed.
I felt dirty! It was disgusting to say the least.
I am here to tell you, having oily skin acne is not your fault! So, stop beating yourself up and take decisive action to get your life back, today.
Acne Pimples are an Awful Sentence for an Innocent Teen Being a teen is hard enough as it is, much less having to deal with all these nasty looking acne pimples.
You ask yourself, "What had I done wrong to deserve this?" Acne pimples took a huge toll on my self-esteem and confidence.
If I could change one thing my teenage years, it would be to ban acne pimples from my life.
It left many scars on my face, back, and shoulders that remain some 40 years later.
The emotional toll was massive and also left many scars.
I remember playing football with a guy that had solid acne pimples and abscesses all over his face, chest, shoulders and back.
He looked like one huge acne pimple.
It was gross! It was the most severe case of acne I have ever seen and was awful to look at.
I really felt so sorry for the guy.
I can't imagine what he must look today with all the acne scars all over his body.
Understanding Acne Pimples Here are some of the basics you should understand about this disease.
Acne is the term for plugged pores blackheads or whiteheads, called acne pimples.
These pores can be plugged with an oil-like substance called sebum, dead cells, tiny hairs, and bacteria.
Acne develops into a cyst with pus-filled pockets.
The pus-filled pockets are called abscesses.
In the advanced stages your skin will become like a hard knot that is very painful to touch.
These deep abscesses cause acne scarring that last a lifetime.
You must attack teen acne in the early stages to stop the acne scarring.
Take Action Now! Big Trouble! Acne Hormones Teen acne is caused by massive hormonal changes that stimulate excess oil production.
The acne hormone called Testosterone is raging in the teenage years.
Acne is a disease of the sebaceous hair follicles.
Each follicle contains a tiny hair plus sebaceous glands, which produce an oily substance called sebum.
The excess oil makes the pores sticky allowing bacteria to become trapped inside.
The result is oily skin acne.
An Inside Job Despite what you may have heard, diet plays a huge role in your skin health.
Eating lots of greasy food usually shows up on your face in 24 hours.
Cut back on all sugar.
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Drink plenty of water to flush your system out.
Oily skin acne is controlled from inside-out Not outside-in.
All the treatment lotions in the world will not help if you do not control your diet.
Again, you must treat this disease from inside-out to be successful.