You Can Win Your Love Back, Let Me Tell You How
Sometimes jealousy can be a good thing, and sometimes it can lead to trouble.
Let me use an example where it can break up a relationship and force you to win your love back.
Guys can be absolutely clueless when it comes to planning something romantic.
Valentine's Day, and anniversaries can be a stressful time trying for a man to come up with something nice and maybe a little original.
So occasionally a guy might seek advice from one of his girl's friends.
Normally this is fine, but what if the girl happens to see her boyfriend talking to one of her friends? The little green monster of jealousy can come alive and make her believe that he is hitting on her friend.
The next time she sees her boyfriend she blows up and says she wants to break up.
She may not even say why.
Later, when she finds out what was really going on she feels horrid.
But what should she do? Her ex boyfriend is hurt that she would even think such a thing about him.
And after that type of behavior he may be happy to have broken up.
Are you that girl hoping to win your love back? Well it can be done and this is how you might go about it.
Do not call him, or use any electronic device to get in touch with him; do it the old fashioned way - with paper and pen.
Sit down and write out an apology to him.
Tell him how much he means to you and how sorry you are that you acted that way.
Don't forget to mention that it was really sweet of him to try to plan something special and you wish you hadn't reacted like you did.
Send him the letter and do not do anything else.
After a week or so if you have not heard from him you can go ahead and type out a quick email that says you are thinking of him.
Make it sweet, but do not over do it.
Just write a few lines, not a book, and send it.
At this point you can hope that he has cooled off a bit and that your letter and your email have hit his emotions right on target.
He still has feelings for you and actually WANTS you to win your love back - him! Do not be surprised if he calls you and wants to get together.
Chances are it will not be a full blown date, maybe just coffee or ice cream.
Make sure you go out of your way to look fantastic for him.
Don't over dress but look good for the surroundings.
Maybe you can wear something you know he will remember that he gave you, either clothing or jewelry.
Talk about things you know interest him and try to work in happy memories the two of you have shared.
He will probably mention that he wants to get back together but would never want anything like your recent reaction to ever happen again.
Assure him that you will make every attempt to be a little bit less intense and more trusting.
Let me use an example where it can break up a relationship and force you to win your love back.
Guys can be absolutely clueless when it comes to planning something romantic.
Valentine's Day, and anniversaries can be a stressful time trying for a man to come up with something nice and maybe a little original.
So occasionally a guy might seek advice from one of his girl's friends.
Normally this is fine, but what if the girl happens to see her boyfriend talking to one of her friends? The little green monster of jealousy can come alive and make her believe that he is hitting on her friend.
The next time she sees her boyfriend she blows up and says she wants to break up.
She may not even say why.
Later, when she finds out what was really going on she feels horrid.
But what should she do? Her ex boyfriend is hurt that she would even think such a thing about him.
And after that type of behavior he may be happy to have broken up.
Are you that girl hoping to win your love back? Well it can be done and this is how you might go about it.
Do not call him, or use any electronic device to get in touch with him; do it the old fashioned way - with paper and pen.
Sit down and write out an apology to him.
Tell him how much he means to you and how sorry you are that you acted that way.
Don't forget to mention that it was really sweet of him to try to plan something special and you wish you hadn't reacted like you did.
Send him the letter and do not do anything else.
After a week or so if you have not heard from him you can go ahead and type out a quick email that says you are thinking of him.
Make it sweet, but do not over do it.
Just write a few lines, not a book, and send it.
At this point you can hope that he has cooled off a bit and that your letter and your email have hit his emotions right on target.
He still has feelings for you and actually WANTS you to win your love back - him! Do not be surprised if he calls you and wants to get together.
Chances are it will not be a full blown date, maybe just coffee or ice cream.
Make sure you go out of your way to look fantastic for him.
Don't over dress but look good for the surroundings.
Maybe you can wear something you know he will remember that he gave you, either clothing or jewelry.
Talk about things you know interest him and try to work in happy memories the two of you have shared.
He will probably mention that he wants to get back together but would never want anything like your recent reaction to ever happen again.
Assure him that you will make every attempt to be a little bit less intense and more trusting.