Candida Diet - Foods You Must Avoid When You Have Candida
If you want to discover how Candida diet foods can help your yeast infection, then you will want to read this article.
You will find out what causes your symptoms, which Candida diet foods you should avoid, and, your treatment options.
After reading this article you'll have a better understanding of your condition, and better able to deal with it effectively.
Your symptoms of Candida -- yeast infection -- (itching, inflammation, burning sensation when urinating, white discharge, etc.
) are caused by a microscopic fungi called 'Candida Albicans' which resides in most of us quite naturally.
It really loves the warm, moist areas such as the gut, vagina, mouth, anus, etc.
Normally the levels of these yeast-like fungi (hence 'yeast infection') are kept in check by your body's good bacteria, so that you don't feel any effects.
But sometimes this doesn't happen effectively and the fungus 'overgrows' and spreads, thus causing your Candida symptoms.
So what has this to do with your diet? Well, diet can play an important part in trying to combat Candida.
In particular, foods that contain sugars and yeast that aid the growth of the fungi.
Typically, you should avoid the following foods as part of your Candida diet:- Refined sugar (e.
white, brown, honey, maple syrup, etc.
); natural sugars (e.
fresh, dried, canned, frozen fruit and fruit juice); yeast (e.
brewer's, baker's, nutritional yeast, etc.
); vinegar (white, red wine, balsamic, etc.
); dressings (mayonnaise, sauces, bottled salad dressing, etc.
); gluten (e.
bread and pasta).
While suffering with Candida, as well as avoiding Candida diet foods, you need to do something to get rid of the symptoms as fast as possible.
Typical mainstream drug-based medication in the form of creams, pessaries, lotions, pastilles, etc.
, can help, but, they only really treat the symptoms and not the root cause of your Candida.
In addition, the fungus can become resistant to the drugs, and so lose their efficacy.
So all too often, the result is that the symptoms disappear, only to return time and time again.
And once you get into the vicious, recurring yeast infection cycle of 'yeast infection > symptoms cleared > yeast infection > symptoms cleared > yeast infection >' etc.
, it can get more and more difficult to deal with.
Which is why more and more women are turning to totally natural solutions without expensive creams, pessaries, lotions, etc.
, and their potentially nasty side effects.
You need to clear your symptoms fast, plus, address the root causes in order to prevent your Candida returning.
But it isn't just the Candida Albicans fungi that you need to consider: there are many underlying issues that can help 'trigger' a Candida overgrow.
These are things like; lifestyle, weight, poor nutrition, use of antibiotics, steroids, drugs, medical conditions, etc.
So these have to be identified and sorted out fast, if you want to prevent recurring yeast infections.
You will find out what causes your symptoms, which Candida diet foods you should avoid, and, your treatment options.
After reading this article you'll have a better understanding of your condition, and better able to deal with it effectively.
Your symptoms of Candida -- yeast infection -- (itching, inflammation, burning sensation when urinating, white discharge, etc.
) are caused by a microscopic fungi called 'Candida Albicans' which resides in most of us quite naturally.
It really loves the warm, moist areas such as the gut, vagina, mouth, anus, etc.
Normally the levels of these yeast-like fungi (hence 'yeast infection') are kept in check by your body's good bacteria, so that you don't feel any effects.
But sometimes this doesn't happen effectively and the fungus 'overgrows' and spreads, thus causing your Candida symptoms.
So what has this to do with your diet? Well, diet can play an important part in trying to combat Candida.
In particular, foods that contain sugars and yeast that aid the growth of the fungi.
Typically, you should avoid the following foods as part of your Candida diet:- Refined sugar (e.
white, brown, honey, maple syrup, etc.
); natural sugars (e.
fresh, dried, canned, frozen fruit and fruit juice); yeast (e.
brewer's, baker's, nutritional yeast, etc.
); vinegar (white, red wine, balsamic, etc.
); dressings (mayonnaise, sauces, bottled salad dressing, etc.
); gluten (e.
bread and pasta).
While suffering with Candida, as well as avoiding Candida diet foods, you need to do something to get rid of the symptoms as fast as possible.
Typical mainstream drug-based medication in the form of creams, pessaries, lotions, pastilles, etc.
, can help, but, they only really treat the symptoms and not the root cause of your Candida.
In addition, the fungus can become resistant to the drugs, and so lose their efficacy.
So all too often, the result is that the symptoms disappear, only to return time and time again.
And once you get into the vicious, recurring yeast infection cycle of 'yeast infection > symptoms cleared > yeast infection > symptoms cleared > yeast infection >' etc.
, it can get more and more difficult to deal with.
Which is why more and more women are turning to totally natural solutions without expensive creams, pessaries, lotions, etc.
, and their potentially nasty side effects.
You need to clear your symptoms fast, plus, address the root causes in order to prevent your Candida returning.
But it isn't just the Candida Albicans fungi that you need to consider: there are many underlying issues that can help 'trigger' a Candida overgrow.
These are things like; lifestyle, weight, poor nutrition, use of antibiotics, steroids, drugs, medical conditions, etc.
So these have to be identified and sorted out fast, if you want to prevent recurring yeast infections.