Diet & Nutrition - Folate
Folate is more commonly known as folic acid or folacin.
Roughly two-thirds of folate in the blood is bound to protein whereas the remaining one-third is free.
Our bodies absorb about fifty percent of the folate found in foods; we absorb more from supplements/supplementation.
There have been strong links between folate deficiencies and neural tube defects and the important role folate plays in preventing heart disease.
Function Folate serves as part of the coenzymes, tetrahydrofolate (THF) and dihydrofolate (DHF), which are used in DNA synthesis.
Folate is necessary for the formation of new red and white blood cells, along with all new cell formation.
Folate functions as a one-carbon donor/recipient in numerous enzymatic reactions: o histidine degradation o methionine synthesis from homocysteine (also is vitamin B12 dependent) o interconversion of serine and glycine o synthesis of ammonia (from histidine) o removal of formate from body (methanol toxicity) o synthesis of deoxythymidylate (dTMP) for DNA synthesis Reactions: 1.
Methionine Synthetase: Homocysteine + 5-methyl-THF methionine + THF 2.
Thymidylate Synthase: Deoxyuridylate (dUMP) + CH2=THF deoxythymidylate (dTMP) + DHF 3.
Purine Synthesis: Adds formyl and methylidine to synthesize the purine ring (multi-step reaction) 4.
Serine Hydroxymethyl Transferase: Serine + THF glycine + CH2=THF Deficiency Folate deficiency is the most common hypovitaminosis among humans.
With a deficiency, cell division and protein synthesis are impaired.
Because of the strong links between this deficiency and neural tube defects, pregnant women have a higher RDA than the rest of the population.
Symptoms of this deficiency are macrocytic anemia, heartburn, smooth, red tongue, weakness, fainting, and irritability.
It is also important to note that folate can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.
The following schematic representation shows that B12 is an essential component in the reaction of 5-methyl-folate to the active folate form, THF.
When sufficient amounts of THF are already present, this may mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.
ST-serine hydroxymethyltransferase MR-Methylene THF Reductase MS-Methionine Synthetase TS-Thymidylate Synthetase DR-Dihydrofolate Reductase FAE- Formate Activating Enyzme Sources Folate-rich foods include: o leafy green vegetables o black-eyed peas o green beans o navy, pinto o garbanzo beans o corn flakes o spinach o broccoli o tomato juice o okra o asparagus.
Roughly two-thirds of folate in the blood is bound to protein whereas the remaining one-third is free.
Our bodies absorb about fifty percent of the folate found in foods; we absorb more from supplements/supplementation.
There have been strong links between folate deficiencies and neural tube defects and the important role folate plays in preventing heart disease.
Function Folate serves as part of the coenzymes, tetrahydrofolate (THF) and dihydrofolate (DHF), which are used in DNA synthesis.
Folate is necessary for the formation of new red and white blood cells, along with all new cell formation.
Folate functions as a one-carbon donor/recipient in numerous enzymatic reactions: o histidine degradation o methionine synthesis from homocysteine (also is vitamin B12 dependent) o interconversion of serine and glycine o synthesis of ammonia (from histidine) o removal of formate from body (methanol toxicity) o synthesis of deoxythymidylate (dTMP) for DNA synthesis Reactions: 1.
Methionine Synthetase: Homocysteine + 5-methyl-THF methionine + THF 2.
Thymidylate Synthase: Deoxyuridylate (dUMP) + CH2=THF deoxythymidylate (dTMP) + DHF 3.
Purine Synthesis: Adds formyl and methylidine to synthesize the purine ring (multi-step reaction) 4.
Serine Hydroxymethyl Transferase: Serine + THF glycine + CH2=THF Deficiency Folate deficiency is the most common hypovitaminosis among humans.
With a deficiency, cell division and protein synthesis are impaired.
Because of the strong links between this deficiency and neural tube defects, pregnant women have a higher RDA than the rest of the population.
Symptoms of this deficiency are macrocytic anemia, heartburn, smooth, red tongue, weakness, fainting, and irritability.
It is also important to note that folate can mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.
The following schematic representation shows that B12 is an essential component in the reaction of 5-methyl-folate to the active folate form, THF.
When sufficient amounts of THF are already present, this may mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.
ST-serine hydroxymethyltransferase MR-Methylene THF Reductase MS-Methionine Synthetase TS-Thymidylate Synthetase DR-Dihydrofolate Reductase FAE- Formate Activating Enyzme Sources Folate-rich foods include: o leafy green vegetables o black-eyed peas o green beans o navy, pinto o garbanzo beans o corn flakes o spinach o broccoli o tomato juice o okra o asparagus.