Where Is The Profit in Affiliate Niche Marketing?
As an affiliate marketer you need to become familiar with the concept of the niche.
A niche is another word for a subject area.
There are many niches for you to choose from but when you are aiming to make serious money online rather than just playing around there are only a few niche markets that will be of real interest to you.
What is a Niche? First, let's consider which niche markets you are already interested in.
You may not even know that you are interested by a niche at all.
Let's explore that.
If you are interested in football then you are a potential customer in the "football" (or soccer, in the USA) niche.
If you support a particular club i.
Manchester United, then you are a potential customer in the Man Utd "sub-niche".
If you are a particular fan of Ryan Giggs, then you are a particular customer for "Ryan Giggs" promotional products "sub-sub-niche.
If you are especially interested in what socks Ryan Giggs wears then you are a specific customer in the "Ryan Giggs' socks" sub-sub-sub-niche.
I know that is probably a bit silly.
I guess that there are very few people who are interested in what socks Ryan Giggs wears but this illustrates the fact that the more specialist your chosen sub-niche, the fewer people are going to be in your market for your chosen products.
Some Niches Are Too Competitive.
Therefore, sticking with this niche for the sake of example, you might argue that it is better to promote a product that appeals to everyone who is interested in football because the market is larger.
That is true up to a point but don't you think that other people have realised that? A lot of individuals and companies are promoting such products so there is a lot of competition for your customer's attention and money.
Therefore, you should be choosing a sub-niche somewhere in between "football" and "Ryan Giggs' socks" in order to find a happy balance between competition and profitability.
Stick With What You Know? So to return to my original question: which niches and sub-niches are you already interested in? This could be Harry Potter books, fishing rod reels, football boots, DIY courses, cake recipes.
The list is endless and only limited by your own imagination.
Whilst you may have a particular interest in a certain niche, it may or may not be profitable.
I mentioned earlier that out of all the many possible niches in the world, some say that there are only a few that are worthy of your attention when it comes to affiliate marketing.
That may or may not be true and who knows, you may find the special, profitable niche that nobody else has tapped into.
I'm not going to promote any one particular niche here and you should have a go with what you know but be aware that you might be barking up the wrong tree.
How will you know? I would recommend taking on a mentor who knows the insider secrets in order to fast track your success.
This is by no means essential but is my final recommendation to you for today.
Now you know what a niche is and how to select a profitable niche on which to base your affiliate marketing business online.
A niche is another word for a subject area.
There are many niches for you to choose from but when you are aiming to make serious money online rather than just playing around there are only a few niche markets that will be of real interest to you.
What is a Niche? First, let's consider which niche markets you are already interested in.
You may not even know that you are interested by a niche at all.
Let's explore that.
If you are interested in football then you are a potential customer in the "football" (or soccer, in the USA) niche.
If you support a particular club i.
Manchester United, then you are a potential customer in the Man Utd "sub-niche".
If you are a particular fan of Ryan Giggs, then you are a particular customer for "Ryan Giggs" promotional products "sub-sub-niche.
If you are especially interested in what socks Ryan Giggs wears then you are a specific customer in the "Ryan Giggs' socks" sub-sub-sub-niche.
I know that is probably a bit silly.
I guess that there are very few people who are interested in what socks Ryan Giggs wears but this illustrates the fact that the more specialist your chosen sub-niche, the fewer people are going to be in your market for your chosen products.
Some Niches Are Too Competitive.
Therefore, sticking with this niche for the sake of example, you might argue that it is better to promote a product that appeals to everyone who is interested in football because the market is larger.
That is true up to a point but don't you think that other people have realised that? A lot of individuals and companies are promoting such products so there is a lot of competition for your customer's attention and money.
Therefore, you should be choosing a sub-niche somewhere in between "football" and "Ryan Giggs' socks" in order to find a happy balance between competition and profitability.
Stick With What You Know? So to return to my original question: which niches and sub-niches are you already interested in? This could be Harry Potter books, fishing rod reels, football boots, DIY courses, cake recipes.
The list is endless and only limited by your own imagination.
Whilst you may have a particular interest in a certain niche, it may or may not be profitable.
I mentioned earlier that out of all the many possible niches in the world, some say that there are only a few that are worthy of your attention when it comes to affiliate marketing.
That may or may not be true and who knows, you may find the special, profitable niche that nobody else has tapped into.
I'm not going to promote any one particular niche here and you should have a go with what you know but be aware that you might be barking up the wrong tree.
How will you know? I would recommend taking on a mentor who knows the insider secrets in order to fast track your success.
This is by no means essential but is my final recommendation to you for today.
Now you know what a niche is and how to select a profitable niche on which to base your affiliate marketing business online.