Maintenance and Care of Your Tropical Fish Aquarium
Some people choose fish over dogs and cats because fish are comparatively easy to maintain and care for.
While it is true that tropical fish (or any fish for that matter) may indeed require less maintenance than either cats, dogs and birds, but they can not live without any sort of maintenance at all.
Tropical fish are living, breathing organisms so they do require food, a clean tank and treating when they become ill.
Fish do not need feeding all the time, once a day will suffice, just remember to put enough food in the tank so that all your fish will get fed and none of them go without.
When feeding your fish, you should remember that when you put the food in the tank they will not come up to the surface straight away to eat it.
This is because when the fish are in the ocean, they have to find food for themselves - they are not fed by humans.
Of course, after a while, some of your fish will get used to you giving feeding them whereas others will continue to prefer to find the food themselves.
You must keep your fish tank clean.
You should change the water regularly and monitor the water's acidity.
You should be sure to remove out any uneaten pellets and other dirt that may have accumulated in your fish tank.
If possible, it is a good idea to have filtration system in place to keep the water as clean as possible.
While this may sound like a lot of effort, once you get used to it, caring for your fish is not such a hard task.
An aquarium is filled with rainbow colored tropical fish is something that you can show off to your friends and family.
The aquarium can become a focus of the room, its centerpiece so to speak.
So, simply by maintaining your tropical fish in the most basic way, you will be rewarded with a magnificent showpiece - well worth the effort!
While it is true that tropical fish (or any fish for that matter) may indeed require less maintenance than either cats, dogs and birds, but they can not live without any sort of maintenance at all.
Tropical fish are living, breathing organisms so they do require food, a clean tank and treating when they become ill.
Fish do not need feeding all the time, once a day will suffice, just remember to put enough food in the tank so that all your fish will get fed and none of them go without.
When feeding your fish, you should remember that when you put the food in the tank they will not come up to the surface straight away to eat it.
This is because when the fish are in the ocean, they have to find food for themselves - they are not fed by humans.
Of course, after a while, some of your fish will get used to you giving feeding them whereas others will continue to prefer to find the food themselves.
You must keep your fish tank clean.
You should change the water regularly and monitor the water's acidity.
You should be sure to remove out any uneaten pellets and other dirt that may have accumulated in your fish tank.
If possible, it is a good idea to have filtration system in place to keep the water as clean as possible.
While this may sound like a lot of effort, once you get used to it, caring for your fish is not such a hard task.
An aquarium is filled with rainbow colored tropical fish is something that you can show off to your friends and family.
The aquarium can become a focus of the room, its centerpiece so to speak.
So, simply by maintaining your tropical fish in the most basic way, you will be rewarded with a magnificent showpiece - well worth the effort!