Vending Machines For Sale - 90% Off Full Price
Imagine if you could get twice as many vending machine locations for the same dollars invested.
Would that help your bottom line? What if you could somehow increase that number to 10 times as many to start your vending machine business? Would that substantially reduce any risks and dramatically increase your chance of success? No doubt it would.
Well, that's exactly what this amazing but true article will show you how to do.
Now, let's really blow your mind.
What if you could somehow get 100 times as many machines for the same investment.
Think of that! One hundred times the cash you would take home .
Plus you would be spreading your risk to one percent of what it would otherwise be.
Sound impossible? Well this author has done exactly that and I'm going to reveal the exact steps how you can too.
It's incredible, but it's really this simple.
Avoid like the plague buying brand new vending machines at "opportunity seminars", trade shows, and vending machine business websites.
Buy strictly and only used vending machines from distressed and desperate vending machine business owners.
Buy only from vendors highly motivated to sell their vending equipment.
They're out there.
All you have to do is find them.
For starters, you are looking for someone who sadly went to one of those "opportunity seminars".
The ones you are now too wise to go to.
These well intentioned people who were looking to start a vending machine business but didn't realize they were usually paying tens of thousands too much for their equipment.
They were pitched (some would say lied to)about the hyper-realistic profits they would make from the few overpriced machines they could afford.
And of course they were also told how easy it was to locate their vending machines even though they had no formal sales training.
Now and much to their dismay they have a garage or warehouse full of vending machines for sale and they want out.
That's where you ride in like the knight on the white horse to rescue them.
You offer them cash at a price so low they won't believe they would ever accept it.
But many of them will, and their loss is your gain.
This may sound a bit mercenary and cruel but remember you did not mislead them or create their problem.
Someone else did.
You are there to solve their problem.
Now, when you are negotiating remember these rules.
Always bring cash.
Never bring up an amount first.
Let them do that.
Have a preset maximum in mind and don't deviate.
Be willing to walk away if they aren't flexible and most important remember "the magic question".
"What's the lowest price you can go if I give you cash to take these off your hands today?" You will be amazed at the "steals" you can and will get.
All kinds of circumstances motivate people in crazy ways.
Death in the family, divorce, relocation can create distressed situations that people will literally walk away from.
One way to find these people is to make up a little postcard "I buy vending machines for cash" and tape them to vending machine businesses you see all over town.
You will get calls.
Look in the local free papers or Craigslist.
Another way to buy equipment at deep discounts is to strike a deal with a vending machine locating company.
They usually have files that go backs years of all the vending machine business owners they have located for.
Offer to pay them a finders fee if any sales come from it or better yet offer to give them the relocating job if you don't do it yourself.
These are just some of the methods I've used to go from an initial 60 bulk candy machines to just under 1000 machines at a fraction of what I might have paid.
So, how do you get used vending machines at one hundredth of the cost? By going to a storage bin auction where people have lost there storage lease.
I bought 80 bulk candy vending machines for $280.
These were the same machines some "promoter" had tried to sell me at an "opportunity seminar" a year earlier for $400.
00 a piece to which I declined fortunately.
I still have many those machines 15 years later making money and bringing in coins.
They now have paid for themselves about a hundred times over and will continue to do so.
A little imagination and I'm sure you will be able to come up with some ideas of our own to find used vending machines for pennies on the dollar.
Good luck and happy hunting.
Would that help your bottom line? What if you could somehow increase that number to 10 times as many to start your vending machine business? Would that substantially reduce any risks and dramatically increase your chance of success? No doubt it would.
Well, that's exactly what this amazing but true article will show you how to do.
Now, let's really blow your mind.
What if you could somehow get 100 times as many machines for the same investment.
Think of that! One hundred times the cash you would take home .
Plus you would be spreading your risk to one percent of what it would otherwise be.
Sound impossible? Well this author has done exactly that and I'm going to reveal the exact steps how you can too.
It's incredible, but it's really this simple.
Avoid like the plague buying brand new vending machines at "opportunity seminars", trade shows, and vending machine business websites.
Buy strictly and only used vending machines from distressed and desperate vending machine business owners.
Buy only from vendors highly motivated to sell their vending equipment.
They're out there.
All you have to do is find them.
For starters, you are looking for someone who sadly went to one of those "opportunity seminars".
The ones you are now too wise to go to.
These well intentioned people who were looking to start a vending machine business but didn't realize they were usually paying tens of thousands too much for their equipment.
They were pitched (some would say lied to)about the hyper-realistic profits they would make from the few overpriced machines they could afford.
And of course they were also told how easy it was to locate their vending machines even though they had no formal sales training.
Now and much to their dismay they have a garage or warehouse full of vending machines for sale and they want out.
That's where you ride in like the knight on the white horse to rescue them.
You offer them cash at a price so low they won't believe they would ever accept it.
But many of them will, and their loss is your gain.
This may sound a bit mercenary and cruel but remember you did not mislead them or create their problem.
Someone else did.
You are there to solve their problem.
Now, when you are negotiating remember these rules.
Always bring cash.
Never bring up an amount first.
Let them do that.
Have a preset maximum in mind and don't deviate.
Be willing to walk away if they aren't flexible and most important remember "the magic question".
"What's the lowest price you can go if I give you cash to take these off your hands today?" You will be amazed at the "steals" you can and will get.
All kinds of circumstances motivate people in crazy ways.
Death in the family, divorce, relocation can create distressed situations that people will literally walk away from.
One way to find these people is to make up a little postcard "I buy vending machines for cash" and tape them to vending machine businesses you see all over town.
You will get calls.
Look in the local free papers or Craigslist.
Another way to buy equipment at deep discounts is to strike a deal with a vending machine locating company.
They usually have files that go backs years of all the vending machine business owners they have located for.
Offer to pay them a finders fee if any sales come from it or better yet offer to give them the relocating job if you don't do it yourself.
These are just some of the methods I've used to go from an initial 60 bulk candy machines to just under 1000 machines at a fraction of what I might have paid.
So, how do you get used vending machines at one hundredth of the cost? By going to a storage bin auction where people have lost there storage lease.
I bought 80 bulk candy vending machines for $280.
These were the same machines some "promoter" had tried to sell me at an "opportunity seminar" a year earlier for $400.
00 a piece to which I declined fortunately.
I still have many those machines 15 years later making money and bringing in coins.
They now have paid for themselves about a hundred times over and will continue to do so.
A little imagination and I'm sure you will be able to come up with some ideas of our own to find used vending machines for pennies on the dollar.
Good luck and happy hunting.