What Is an Easy Exercise Plan for Losing Weight?
- In order to lose weight, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends accumulating 45 to 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity 5 to 7 days per week. Ten minutes of brisk walking with the dog mornings and evenings, a quick 10-minute walk around the block after lunch and 25 to 30 minutes of planned exercise fits into even the busiest schedule.
- Reduce the chance of soreness and injury by starting where you are: If you don't have a current exercise regimen, plan to work out in two to three short, 5- to 10-minute daily sessions for the first four weeks. Once your exercise habit is firmly established, increase the duration of each session by a few minutes each week until, by Week 8, you accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity almost every day.
- Cardiovascular exercise is any planned, rhythmic activity using large muscle groups that increases your heart rate, makes you breathe deeply and may cause you to break a sweat. Choose activities that you enjoy, such as bicycling, swimming, dancing or even fast walking. Prioritize cardiovascular activities in your plan as they burn the most calories per unit of workout time. To lose weight, cardio is the name of the game.
- Including body weight strength training, such as squats, lunges, push-ups and crunches, twice weekly can improve your fitness. Aim to start with one set of 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise after one of your cardiovascular sessions two times per week.
- Stretching feels great, improves your range of motion and can reduce the risk of injury. Include flexibility training for the muscle groups you work at the end of every activity session. For example, stretch the legs, buttocks and lower back muscles after every walk.
- "Diet" is the ugliest four-letter word in the English language. Instead, choose to follow an eating plan for life based on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean sources of protein. Learn how to read and understand nutrition labels, and educate yourself on proper food-portion sizes to assist in your weight-loss efforts.
How Much Exercise is Enough?
Gradual Progression
Cardiovascular Exercise for Weight Loss
Strength Training
Flexibility Training
Don't Forget Nutrition!