What Are the Symptoms of Panic Disorder and Why Do They Happen?
If you are suffering of panic disorder, you are probably familiar with the symptoms of this condition.
You know that they can be many and you also know what an impact they have on you.
They leave you exhausted and terrified.
Find out exactly what these symptoms are and what processes in your body are provoking them, in order to fear them less.
Let's analyze five symptoms of panic disorder, the ones that are most common, and see why they are happening.
A headache is a pain in your head that usually doesn't only affect one spot.
You can feel pain in your scalp, in your forehead, in the back of your head, only on one side or on both sides.
Sometimes your entire head can hurt.
Headaches associated with panic disorders happen because your back and neck muscles are tensed due to stress and this tension goes up and provokes pain.
Experiencing palpitations means that you feel your heart beating fast or irregularly.
Sometimes you might not feel any change in the heartbeat, but you might be aware of it in other parts of your body.
In panic disorders the body releases more adrenaline than in normal condition and this adrenaline provokes palpitations.
It is also responsible for you feeling on the edge.
On the long run, you can experience palpitations almost all the time when suffering of panic disorder.
Nausea means that you are having discomfort in your stomach.
When the level of stress is too high, your stomach produces more acid and this causes nausea and other gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion.
Sometimes you might feel numb, this meaning that you lose your senses, or might experience tingling, especially in fingers and toes.
Numbness and tingling are symptoms that can last for days.
They are caused because of the difficulties in breathing associated with panic disorders.
When you are breathing shallow, certain body parts receive less oxygen than they need and numbness and tingling occur.
You know that they can be many and you also know what an impact they have on you.
They leave you exhausted and terrified.
Find out exactly what these symptoms are and what processes in your body are provoking them, in order to fear them less.
Let's analyze five symptoms of panic disorder, the ones that are most common, and see why they are happening.
A headache is a pain in your head that usually doesn't only affect one spot.
You can feel pain in your scalp, in your forehead, in the back of your head, only on one side or on both sides.
Sometimes your entire head can hurt.
Headaches associated with panic disorders happen because your back and neck muscles are tensed due to stress and this tension goes up and provokes pain.
Experiencing palpitations means that you feel your heart beating fast or irregularly.
Sometimes you might not feel any change in the heartbeat, but you might be aware of it in other parts of your body.
In panic disorders the body releases more adrenaline than in normal condition and this adrenaline provokes palpitations.
It is also responsible for you feeling on the edge.
On the long run, you can experience palpitations almost all the time when suffering of panic disorder.
Nausea means that you are having discomfort in your stomach.
When the level of stress is too high, your stomach produces more acid and this causes nausea and other gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion.
Sometimes you might feel numb, this meaning that you lose your senses, or might experience tingling, especially in fingers and toes.
Numbness and tingling are symptoms that can last for days.
They are caused because of the difficulties in breathing associated with panic disorders.
When you are breathing shallow, certain body parts receive less oxygen than they need and numbness and tingling occur.