Automatic Neuropathy Symptoms
- The autonomic nerves are the part of the nervous system that control involuntary body functions such as breathing, digestion, maintaining the heart rate and perspiration. Autonomic neuropathy occurs when there is something that creates communication problems between the autonomic nerves and the bodily functions they control. It is possible for autonomic neuropathy to be one condition, or it could be a combination of several conditions occurring at the same time.
- Some risk factors increase the probability that autonomic neuropathy could occur. Conditions such as alcoholism, diabetes and HIV could trigger an autonomic neuropathic condition. In some cases autonomic neuropathy could occur as the result of a surgical error, or it could be the result of a reaction to medication being taken for a completely different condition.
- Symptoms of autonomic neuropathy can vary depending on which involuntary bodily function is being affected. Symptoms associated with digestive complications include nausea, abdominal cramps and pain, alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea, and nausea and vomiting immediately after eating. It is also possible to experience a feeling of having a full stomach after eating only a few bites of a meal. Noticeable weight loss and an inability to keep down food are also digestive symptoms.
- Some symptoms of autonomic neuropathy may not necessarily be condition specific. Symptoms such as an excessive amount of sweating especially when not engaged in any physical activity could occur with the failure of any involuntary body system. Other symptoms such as repeated occurrences of fainting, hyperventilating immediately after engaging in physical activity and erectile dysfunction in males are also general symptoms of autonomic neuropathy.
- Treatment for autonomic neuropathy would be tailored to the specific bodily function that is affected. Medication such as Reglan, which helps speed up digestion, may be used to address digestive failures along with medication for constipation and abdominal pain. These initial treatments are used to get the affected bodily function back to normal. Once the bodily function has been addressed, medication will be used to try to address the source of the nerve failure.