Make Sure Your Coaching Practice Niche is Clear to Your Niche Audience
If you have a niche market, and you have something amazing, truly life-altering, and different to offer and you know there are people in your niche market - folks out there, who really need what you have, You Have Got To Let Them Know It The Moment They Discover You! It must be in your headline! How else are they going to know that you are the very coach they need for their particular situation AND NOT THE OTHER 100,000 coaches on the Internet.
In the eyes of a prospective client who does not know you, who has never heard of you, there is nothing special about you as a coach until you tell them there is something special about you as a coach.
You still have to win them over in your intake process, but you must get them in the door first.
We do this with headlines.
How many times must we see the following dull headlines on websites, brochures and flyers: Live Your Dream Live Your Dream Life Reach the peak of your heart's desire Surpass Your Dreams Enhance Your Life Are You Ready for a Positive Change? Boring! Boilerplate! Cookie-cutter! Of course they are ready for a change.
These promises are every coach's promise.
It's what coaches do.
They change your life.
So what; they all do.
You've worked very hard to have a practice that stands out from the crowd (at least I hope you have).
So, don't do this to your practice or yourself.
And, more importantly, don't do this to a client for whom you have something mind-blowing to offer, but who may never know it, because there is nothing in your message that says to him or her that YOU can help them.
Don't Let Your Coaching Training Damage Your Marketing Efforts Coaching training tends to teach coaches that their skills apply to anybody in any situation at any point in your prospect's life.
That may well be true.
However, in your marketing message, you are not talking to someone who sat in on that class.
Your prospects don't know this.
You are talking to a person who has very specific needs and issues that require a resolution that they think is exclusive to their own type of situation, and that person will be more inclined to talk to someone who pops through the clutter of all other coaches and whose message says, unmistakably, I UNDERSTAND YOUR particular circumstance and what I offer benefits people in YOUR particular situation! If you specialize in dealing with relatives of the terminally ill, then your headline must talk to them.
If there is nothing special about what you offer, then find something.
What is it about your style, your background, your experiences, your current situation that will resonate with your niche market? Take some time to figure this out.
And take some time to come up with a targeted headline to attract your niche market.
You owe it to your coaching practice.
You owe it to the people you vowed to help.
If you are what they need .
make sure they know it!
In the eyes of a prospective client who does not know you, who has never heard of you, there is nothing special about you as a coach until you tell them there is something special about you as a coach.
You still have to win them over in your intake process, but you must get them in the door first.
We do this with headlines.
How many times must we see the following dull headlines on websites, brochures and flyers: Live Your Dream Live Your Dream Life Reach the peak of your heart's desire Surpass Your Dreams Enhance Your Life Are You Ready for a Positive Change? Boring! Boilerplate! Cookie-cutter! Of course they are ready for a change.
These promises are every coach's promise.
It's what coaches do.
They change your life.
So what; they all do.
You've worked very hard to have a practice that stands out from the crowd (at least I hope you have).
So, don't do this to your practice or yourself.
And, more importantly, don't do this to a client for whom you have something mind-blowing to offer, but who may never know it, because there is nothing in your message that says to him or her that YOU can help them.
Don't Let Your Coaching Training Damage Your Marketing Efforts Coaching training tends to teach coaches that their skills apply to anybody in any situation at any point in your prospect's life.
That may well be true.
However, in your marketing message, you are not talking to someone who sat in on that class.
Your prospects don't know this.
You are talking to a person who has very specific needs and issues that require a resolution that they think is exclusive to their own type of situation, and that person will be more inclined to talk to someone who pops through the clutter of all other coaches and whose message says, unmistakably, I UNDERSTAND YOUR particular circumstance and what I offer benefits people in YOUR particular situation! If you specialize in dealing with relatives of the terminally ill, then your headline must talk to them.
If there is nothing special about what you offer, then find something.
What is it about your style, your background, your experiences, your current situation that will resonate with your niche market? Take some time to figure this out.
And take some time to come up with a targeted headline to attract your niche market.
You owe it to your coaching practice.
You owe it to the people you vowed to help.
If you are what they need .
make sure they know it!