Information About House Contents Insurance Premiums
House contents insurance is insurance that covers the items in a house.
These items could be furniture, jewelry, silverware, etc.
The term house contents insurance is not used in the United States.
In the U.
S this type of insurance is known as theft insurance.
Content insurance usually comes with new houses but can be purchased separately if needed.
When calculating the premium for this type of insurance, the amount of transferred risk is the deciding factor.
A list of items is made and the valuations are done.
This is used to determine the premium.
In case of theft or damage it is this bill of items that is used to pay out the premium.
Any items that are not attached to the schedule are not covered by the policy.
The home contents schedule is put together.
In this list details like purchase price or appraised value are added.
This is used to determine the cost of coverage or the price of the policy.
The higher the value of the items is the greater will be the price of the premium.
You need to decide which items you would like to put on the list.
Items like television sets and other everyday furniture depreciate over time due to use and the resulting wear and tear.
There are two options you can use in this situation.
The first one is to use the depreciated value of the items.
This will result in a lower premium.
The second option is to use the purchase value of the items.
This will result in a higher premium.
It is advised to use the depreciated price if you wish to keep the premium low.
If you add appreciable assets like jewelry and paintings to the list then the premium will increase.
Another factor that affects the price of the premium is the deductible.
The larger the deductible the cheaper will be the premium.
For example, a policy of $40,000 with a deductible of $10,000 will have a cheaper premium than a policy with $4,000 deductible.
This is because keep a larger deductible the amount of risk transferred to the insurance is less in the former case.
There are many factors that affect the price of the premium when it comes to house contents insurance and you should consider before buying contents house insurance.
These items could be furniture, jewelry, silverware, etc.
The term house contents insurance is not used in the United States.
In the U.
S this type of insurance is known as theft insurance.
Content insurance usually comes with new houses but can be purchased separately if needed.
When calculating the premium for this type of insurance, the amount of transferred risk is the deciding factor.
A list of items is made and the valuations are done.
This is used to determine the premium.
In case of theft or damage it is this bill of items that is used to pay out the premium.
Any items that are not attached to the schedule are not covered by the policy.
The home contents schedule is put together.
In this list details like purchase price or appraised value are added.
This is used to determine the cost of coverage or the price of the policy.
The higher the value of the items is the greater will be the price of the premium.
You need to decide which items you would like to put on the list.
Items like television sets and other everyday furniture depreciate over time due to use and the resulting wear and tear.
There are two options you can use in this situation.
The first one is to use the depreciated value of the items.
This will result in a lower premium.
The second option is to use the purchase value of the items.
This will result in a higher premium.
It is advised to use the depreciated price if you wish to keep the premium low.
If you add appreciable assets like jewelry and paintings to the list then the premium will increase.
Another factor that affects the price of the premium is the deductible.
The larger the deductible the cheaper will be the premium.
For example, a policy of $40,000 with a deductible of $10,000 will have a cheaper premium than a policy with $4,000 deductible.
This is because keep a larger deductible the amount of risk transferred to the insurance is less in the former case.
There are many factors that affect the price of the premium when it comes to house contents insurance and you should consider before buying contents house insurance.