The Way I Will Show My Man I Love Him!
I have spoke with many women in reference to do they show their man they love them, and I have seen with my own eyes relationships from the time I was a little girl to the present - I have came up with the final assumption that maybe twenty-five percent of the people in relationships do pamper their man. This is probably why there are so many people presently divorced in the U. S. today. I have always believed in letting my man know this by showing him (only if I really love him) because I wanted my relationships to be different from my parents' marriage, which was one-sided indeed.
To follow are the things I am going to let "My Man" know the words I speak are true and I do not say "I Love You" just to be saying it:
* I believe in the man being the head of the household. The word means just what it says. God didn't say woman be the head, but Man. The women's liberation group have confused many women, but not me. I want to be right by his side. I want to be supportive of him at all times. I have seen when women talk bad of their significant other - put him down so bad, and,next minute, the person called a woman is smiling in his face. That also means be respectful of him. No calling him names but good names;
* Cook, clean the house, etc., for your man. You say he is your Man, and you can't cook for him? Two of my brothers had horrible wives. Neither cooked for their husband and/or kids, cleaned the house (its a very long list of things they did not do as a wife and mother). They didn't do much of anything. That's what I call trifling;
* Bath and shower with your Man, massage him, wash his hair, wash his body, give him a pedicure and manicure, etc. Yeap! My Man don't have to worry. It will be like clock work!;
* Remember all your important dates for him and the family (birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc.). Then prepare the celebration for any of these occasions. Don't let your Man have to worry about anything;
* I don't know about you, but intimacy is very important. Anytime he wants to get intimate, it is "ON" and vice versa. I have heard many women say they do not like intimacy, but something is wrong there. I suggest you look into it. Relationships break up for this reason;
* Obey your husband. If there are kids in the family, make sure they know what your Man says goes;
* Buy gifts for the love of your life. This should be a natural instinct. It overjoys me to buy for him, and not only on birthdays, etc., but just to say "I Love You, Man!";
* Do not talk back to your Man. Discuss the matter in a soft, nice tone. Don't say things (especially in public) that is embarrassing. Anything about your relationship should be private. I hear people discuss their relationships with other people - people at work, at a restaurant, surprisingly with strangers, best friends, etc. Stop!;
* Accept and love everyone in his family. If there are odd balls in his family, show them respect, but keep your distance;
* Hug, hold hands, kiss - keep that romance in your relationship (even after years of your relationship together);
* Take his appropriate clothes to the cleaners and pick the clothes up from the cleaners when they are ready. Keep the rest of his clothes washed and clean, fold them up, and put them in the appropriate place;
* Spend quality time together. Sometimes it is just at home alone. Travel when you feel a need. I would like to be at home body with him, most of the time;
* Keep everything in the house organized so when he is looking for something, he can find it. Keep the supplies in the house well supplied.
* If the woman has to work in order to supply a good income for the family, then you need to do so.
Make your Man know you really care and he is the BOMB!
To follow are the things I am going to let "My Man" know the words I speak are true and I do not say "I Love You" just to be saying it:
* I believe in the man being the head of the household. The word means just what it says. God didn't say woman be the head, but Man. The women's liberation group have confused many women, but not me. I want to be right by his side. I want to be supportive of him at all times. I have seen when women talk bad of their significant other - put him down so bad, and,next minute, the person called a woman is smiling in his face. That also means be respectful of him. No calling him names but good names;
* Cook, clean the house, etc., for your man. You say he is your Man, and you can't cook for him? Two of my brothers had horrible wives. Neither cooked for their husband and/or kids, cleaned the house (its a very long list of things they did not do as a wife and mother). They didn't do much of anything. That's what I call trifling;
* Bath and shower with your Man, massage him, wash his hair, wash his body, give him a pedicure and manicure, etc. Yeap! My Man don't have to worry. It will be like clock work!;
* Remember all your important dates for him and the family (birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc.). Then prepare the celebration for any of these occasions. Don't let your Man have to worry about anything;
* I don't know about you, but intimacy is very important. Anytime he wants to get intimate, it is "ON" and vice versa. I have heard many women say they do not like intimacy, but something is wrong there. I suggest you look into it. Relationships break up for this reason;
* Obey your husband. If there are kids in the family, make sure they know what your Man says goes;
* Buy gifts for the love of your life. This should be a natural instinct. It overjoys me to buy for him, and not only on birthdays, etc., but just to say "I Love You, Man!";
* Do not talk back to your Man. Discuss the matter in a soft, nice tone. Don't say things (especially in public) that is embarrassing. Anything about your relationship should be private. I hear people discuss their relationships with other people - people at work, at a restaurant, surprisingly with strangers, best friends, etc. Stop!;
* Accept and love everyone in his family. If there are odd balls in his family, show them respect, but keep your distance;
* Hug, hold hands, kiss - keep that romance in your relationship (even after years of your relationship together);
* Take his appropriate clothes to the cleaners and pick the clothes up from the cleaners when they are ready. Keep the rest of his clothes washed and clean, fold them up, and put them in the appropriate place;
* Spend quality time together. Sometimes it is just at home alone. Travel when you feel a need. I would like to be at home body with him, most of the time;
* Keep everything in the house organized so when he is looking for something, he can find it. Keep the supplies in the house well supplied.
* If the woman has to work in order to supply a good income for the family, then you need to do so.
Make your Man know you really care and he is the BOMB!