At Home Mom
There has been an enduring debate over whether or not a mother should be an at home mom and care for her children, or go back to her career and let a sitter take care of the children.
Another question that remains is, "Does the family have the financial security to accommodate an At Home Mom?" So if a mom decides to continue on with her career while someone else takes care of her children, does this mean she loves her child any less? Absolutely not, even though some individuals think so.
But, different personalities call for different measures throughout the stages of motherhood.
I personally know moms who are counting the days until they can get back to their careers while I also know stay at home moms that couldn't bear the thought of leaving their child for more than a few hours at a time.
Could a stay at home mom be called an unpaid full time career? The average SAHM works 96 hours per week.
Caring for a child, changing diapers, cleaning, cooking, and staying busy for hours or days at a time with minimal sleep would rival any career out there.
The fact that mothers love what they do makes it all worth while.
There are also other options that moms all over the world have resorted to when the financial means just aren't there.
This involves moms working from home doing various tasks for large corporations or starting their own home business, making their own hours, and becoming financially independent, on their own.
Large Corporations are now resorting to acquiring individuals to work for them from home.
This saves companies massive amounts of money by cutting costs like office bills as well as management fees.
Money poses the biggest problem for families deciding if an at home mom is best for their lifestyle, making working from home a very viable and legitimate option if one income does not suffice.
According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), daycare costs for babies and toddlers in the United States can range from $4,388 to $14,647 per year with the average being around $8,150 per year.
Work at home moms have the freedom and the time to spend time with their kids and make a potentially large income from home.
This trend is becoming more and more sought-after as it is now a widely preferred way of life.
So all in all, you have some questions to ask yourself before making a final decision, "Do I have the financial resources to be an at home mom?", "Do I want to stay at home or continue on with my career?", "Do I want to start a business and work from home giving myself the freedom and time to raise my kids?" These are all important questions that should not be ignored when making the crucial decision of how to raise your kids.
Another question that remains is, "Does the family have the financial security to accommodate an At Home Mom?" So if a mom decides to continue on with her career while someone else takes care of her children, does this mean she loves her child any less? Absolutely not, even though some individuals think so.
But, different personalities call for different measures throughout the stages of motherhood.
I personally know moms who are counting the days until they can get back to their careers while I also know stay at home moms that couldn't bear the thought of leaving their child for more than a few hours at a time.
Could a stay at home mom be called an unpaid full time career? The average SAHM works 96 hours per week.
Caring for a child, changing diapers, cleaning, cooking, and staying busy for hours or days at a time with minimal sleep would rival any career out there.
The fact that mothers love what they do makes it all worth while.
There are also other options that moms all over the world have resorted to when the financial means just aren't there.
This involves moms working from home doing various tasks for large corporations or starting their own home business, making their own hours, and becoming financially independent, on their own.
Large Corporations are now resorting to acquiring individuals to work for them from home.
This saves companies massive amounts of money by cutting costs like office bills as well as management fees.
Money poses the biggest problem for families deciding if an at home mom is best for their lifestyle, making working from home a very viable and legitimate option if one income does not suffice.
According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA), daycare costs for babies and toddlers in the United States can range from $4,388 to $14,647 per year with the average being around $8,150 per year.
Work at home moms have the freedom and the time to spend time with their kids and make a potentially large income from home.
This trend is becoming more and more sought-after as it is now a widely preferred way of life.
So all in all, you have some questions to ask yourself before making a final decision, "Do I have the financial resources to be an at home mom?", "Do I want to stay at home or continue on with my career?", "Do I want to start a business and work from home giving myself the freedom and time to raise my kids?" These are all important questions that should not be ignored when making the crucial decision of how to raise your kids.