How to Teach a Yorkie to Give a High 5
- 1). Break treats into small pieces so you don't overfeed the Yorkie during training.
- 2). Place the treats in your pocket or another easily accessible location.
- 3). Give your dog the "sit" command. It should sit obediently. If it hasn't learned how to sit, teach your dog the "sit" command before proceeding.
- 4). Squat down so you are close to the dog's level.
- 5). Say clearly "Slap me five!" "High five!" or the command of your choice, and hold up your dominant hand as though giving a high five. Your dog may give you its paw as though performing the requisite "shake" trick. Do not shake its paw. Instead, take the paw with your nondominant hand and high-five it with your dominant hand. Follow this action with a click, praise and a treat. If you don't have a clicker, just praise the dog and give it a treat.
- 6). Repeat this process a few times every day until your dog raises its hand on its own to give a high five. Once the dog learns the trick, have it perform it with other family members and guests.