How to get back the love of your life
It becomes a heartbreaking and traumatic experience when the person who means most to us in the world ( read beau as in girlfriend or boyfriend) breaks up with us. Life becomes simply unbearable without the presence of the person and we are constantly plagued with thoughts of our beloved. One is left thinking how to fix my relationship and bring my ex back into my life. It is a very dicey proposition rekindling broken relationships but it is not entirely impossible. There are some tips and pointers which you should follow for doing the same.
There may be times during the trying period, that you would be simply longing to talk or chat to your partner. Hearing the beloved voice is something you will long for. But restrain yourself strictly from calling or texting him or her. Remember that absence and distance does make the heart grow fonder. Don't call up your ex, ( it will be very difficult but you have to do it), men simply don't like nagging or whining females. So don't run to your ex boyfriend and cry for him to take you back. There can be nothing more pathetic than it. Rather retain your self respect and even if he calls, don't answer it. Talk to him as you would to a friend. If you chance across him at a shop or in a restaurant, even with his new girlfriend, act cordial. Say hello as you would to any normal friend. Remember that he would respect you more for it.
Communication in a relationship is very important so if you find problems, always talk things through frankly and clearly. If your girlfriend is not happy with the relationship or needs more time from you, make her sit down and have a frank discussion with her. Having heated arguments is not the right solution always as are the reasonable discussions.
Once you have broken up with your ex, ask yourself do I really want to get my ex back . Allow yourself a separation period, so that both of you can analyze your individual situations and weigh the pros and cons of the relationship. Meet your ex for coffee or ice cream and you can even bring a small gift like before. Don't expect everything to become hunky dory at one go. Rather try and see how things go before you think of getting back together again.
Enjoy being friends for a while before thinking of entering the relationship again. Talk about small everyday things and joke about the fallacies of before and how they can be cured in the future course of the relationship. Be it your male partner or ex girlfriend, there can be a lot of unresolved issues in a relationship including over - possessiveness, two timing, not finding sufficient time for each other and so many more. Mutual break ups or even messy parting of ways are both equally painful. Many people have trial separations also. But if you are clear about your own priorities and communicate well with your fiancé, you can definitely give your relationship another chance.
There may be times during the trying period, that you would be simply longing to talk or chat to your partner. Hearing the beloved voice is something you will long for. But restrain yourself strictly from calling or texting him or her. Remember that absence and distance does make the heart grow fonder. Don't call up your ex, ( it will be very difficult but you have to do it), men simply don't like nagging or whining females. So don't run to your ex boyfriend and cry for him to take you back. There can be nothing more pathetic than it. Rather retain your self respect and even if he calls, don't answer it. Talk to him as you would to a friend. If you chance across him at a shop or in a restaurant, even with his new girlfriend, act cordial. Say hello as you would to any normal friend. Remember that he would respect you more for it.
Communication in a relationship is very important so if you find problems, always talk things through frankly and clearly. If your girlfriend is not happy with the relationship or needs more time from you, make her sit down and have a frank discussion with her. Having heated arguments is not the right solution always as are the reasonable discussions.
Once you have broken up with your ex, ask yourself do I really want to get my ex back . Allow yourself a separation period, so that both of you can analyze your individual situations and weigh the pros and cons of the relationship. Meet your ex for coffee or ice cream and you can even bring a small gift like before. Don't expect everything to become hunky dory at one go. Rather try and see how things go before you think of getting back together again.
Enjoy being friends for a while before thinking of entering the relationship again. Talk about small everyday things and joke about the fallacies of before and how they can be cured in the future course of the relationship. Be it your male partner or ex girlfriend, there can be a lot of unresolved issues in a relationship including over - possessiveness, two timing, not finding sufficient time for each other and so many more. Mutual break ups or even messy parting of ways are both equally painful. Many people have trial separations also. But if you are clear about your own priorities and communicate well with your fiancé, you can definitely give your relationship another chance.