How To Make A Fortune In The Coming Stock Market Blood Bath That Will Be Caused By Criminals
It is inevitable: A stock market crash is just around the corner.
Most people will just wait for the market to crash, whereas professionals will take advantage of it.
The worst thing you can do is to wait for the next big crash.
Here is what you do to make a lot of money in the market: Short the market! According to some people, only five per cent of people who play the stock market make money.
If you don't want to be the other 95% who loses, do what the 5% are doing.
The winners are usually doing the opposite in what the herd is doing.
They tend to cut their losses short and short (sell) the market.
Don't be a sheep and mimic what your friends or family say.
Do your research and try not to be distracted with your trading plans.
Invest Overseas There are plenty of other opportunities around the world.
China's economy is expanding about 10% a year and will continue to do so.
Other emerging economies such as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are expected to overtake the traditional 'old' economies of the west in a few years time.
If you don't have enough time to research the market thoroughly, invest in mutual funds instead.
They are a great way in exploiting overseas growth without you learning the language and culture.
Invest In Gold With the weakening dollar, rising oil prices and slower US growth, increase political uncertainty, it is a great time to invest in gold.
Gold is always a good choice to invest because it is an insurance option of riding out choppy markets and sometimes have better return on investment.
If you think gold prices will continue to climb, invest in gold mining companies and/or gold mutual funds.
Most people will just wait for the market to crash, whereas professionals will take advantage of it.
The worst thing you can do is to wait for the next big crash.
Here is what you do to make a lot of money in the market: Short the market! According to some people, only five per cent of people who play the stock market make money.
If you don't want to be the other 95% who loses, do what the 5% are doing.
The winners are usually doing the opposite in what the herd is doing.
They tend to cut their losses short and short (sell) the market.
Don't be a sheep and mimic what your friends or family say.
Do your research and try not to be distracted with your trading plans.
Invest Overseas There are plenty of other opportunities around the world.
China's economy is expanding about 10% a year and will continue to do so.
Other emerging economies such as the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are expected to overtake the traditional 'old' economies of the west in a few years time.
If you don't have enough time to research the market thoroughly, invest in mutual funds instead.
They are a great way in exploiting overseas growth without you learning the language and culture.
Invest In Gold With the weakening dollar, rising oil prices and slower US growth, increase political uncertainty, it is a great time to invest in gold.
Gold is always a good choice to invest because it is an insurance option of riding out choppy markets and sometimes have better return on investment.
If you think gold prices will continue to climb, invest in gold mining companies and/or gold mutual funds.