Why Do Dogs Chew Everything?
That is a good question with a relatively simple answer.
Dogs chew to learn.
Toddlers stick things in their mouth to learn.
Teething is uncomfortable for puppies as well as humans and when they hit that six month period in their life, they will be teething.
Chewing during this time will help with the teething pain making the gums feel better.
You have to be sure to provide acceptable things for your dog to chew.
While chewing may be a normal activity, it does not mean he should be allowed to chew up items that are not acceptable.
Your shoes, furniture or anything that is not his to chew should be out of reach or your dog needs to be told that it is not good.
They are not born knowing these things.
Dogs chew for other reasons as well.
When they are puppies they need to be taught what not to chew.
There is a possibility that it is fear related or boredom and just craving attention.
Some of these things can be "fixed" by you, but fears and separation anxiety may require the help of a professional dog behaviorist.
If teething is your dogs problem you can freeze a washcloth and let the pup chew on that.
Just as a teething ring will help a child, the cloth will help the pain in your puppies gums.
Keep an eye on him while he is chewing to be sure he doesn't choke.
Toy obsessions can be good.
It is even possible to fill a "Kong" type toy with food at mealtime to make it his favorite thing.
He will need more time to eat and will be significantly less bored.
The toy can also be given to him when you are leaving for awhile.
That will prevent boredom.
If furniture is your problem, you may have to put some unpleasant tasting liquid on it to deter his chewing.
There is a product called "bitter apple" that has had some success.
Time with people is the most important step in correcting behavior.
Trips to the dog park or trips around the neighborhood on a leash will give your dog something to do and make a better citizen of him.
One that will be welcomed wherever you choose to take him.
If you should catch your dog chewing on an unacceptable item, make a loud noise such as a clap or a loud "NO" to distract him.
When he stops, take away the contraband and replace it with something he is allowed to chew.
Don't expect your dog to know the difference between one of your old shoes and the pair you just brought home from the store.
If you don't want your dog chewing your personal belongings, don't give him any old ones that you feel are permissible.
That does not work.
The most important thing you can give your dog is your personal attention.
He wants to please you, but it is up to you to teach him how.
Toys, food and you are the main things that a dog will need to be a good member of your family.
Everyone in your home needs to participate in the training.
There should be no variance in technique, as this will confuse your dog.
Dogs chew to learn.
Toddlers stick things in their mouth to learn.
Teething is uncomfortable for puppies as well as humans and when they hit that six month period in their life, they will be teething.
Chewing during this time will help with the teething pain making the gums feel better.
You have to be sure to provide acceptable things for your dog to chew.
While chewing may be a normal activity, it does not mean he should be allowed to chew up items that are not acceptable.
Your shoes, furniture or anything that is not his to chew should be out of reach or your dog needs to be told that it is not good.
They are not born knowing these things.
Dogs chew for other reasons as well.
When they are puppies they need to be taught what not to chew.
There is a possibility that it is fear related or boredom and just craving attention.
Some of these things can be "fixed" by you, but fears and separation anxiety may require the help of a professional dog behaviorist.
If teething is your dogs problem you can freeze a washcloth and let the pup chew on that.
Just as a teething ring will help a child, the cloth will help the pain in your puppies gums.
Keep an eye on him while he is chewing to be sure he doesn't choke.
Toy obsessions can be good.
It is even possible to fill a "Kong" type toy with food at mealtime to make it his favorite thing.
He will need more time to eat and will be significantly less bored.
The toy can also be given to him when you are leaving for awhile.
That will prevent boredom.
If furniture is your problem, you may have to put some unpleasant tasting liquid on it to deter his chewing.
There is a product called "bitter apple" that has had some success.
Time with people is the most important step in correcting behavior.
Trips to the dog park or trips around the neighborhood on a leash will give your dog something to do and make a better citizen of him.
One that will be welcomed wherever you choose to take him.
If you should catch your dog chewing on an unacceptable item, make a loud noise such as a clap or a loud "NO" to distract him.
When he stops, take away the contraband and replace it with something he is allowed to chew.
Don't expect your dog to know the difference between one of your old shoes and the pair you just brought home from the store.
If you don't want your dog chewing your personal belongings, don't give him any old ones that you feel are permissible.
That does not work.
The most important thing you can give your dog is your personal attention.
He wants to please you, but it is up to you to teach him how.
Toys, food and you are the main things that a dog will need to be a good member of your family.
Everyone in your home needs to participate in the training.
There should be no variance in technique, as this will confuse your dog.