Auto Insurance Tips - Sealing the Deal on Affordable Car Insurance
Auto Insurance Tips - Sealing the Deal on Affordable Car Insurance
Okay. I admit it. I'll stand in line for the latest Harry Potter book. You can probably convince me that I "need" the latest Dior volumizing mascara and yes,I have eaten turtle cheesecake for supper before. I have several guilty pleasures. Buying auto insurance is not one of them, but it's a necessity. Read on to learn why, in addition to being a legal stipulation, auto insurance is important to you and your assets.
First things first - While penalties vary state to state, you can guarantee that driving without coverage will take some clank out of your bank. Uninsured drivers can face a myriad of punishments for merely being stopped and not being able to prove coverage. This fact alone should be enough to convince you to start researching reasonable insurance coverages for your vehicle.
Not persuasive enough? Consider your possible liability in the event of an accident...
Your vehicle collides with Mrs. Baker's vehicle. Mrs. Baker is a fourth grade teacher at the local elementary school and is now facing $80,000 in medical bills, $65,000 in lost wages and is requesting $200,000 for pain and suffering. That's a $345,000 claim that, unless you have adequate coverage for, you will be pulling out of your pocket. Certainly in this case, as the too familiar adage wisely states, it's better to be safe than sorry.
So, you know you need auto insurance. While it's not sinfully delicious or nearly as enjoyable as turtle cheesecake, lack of adequate coverage will definitely leave you with a bellyache in the event of an automobile accident. It is possible to find insurance you can afford.
Remember! Your car insurance rate is based on your insurance risk assessment. If an insurance company determines you are a high-risk driver, your monthly cost will be higher than that of the average driver. You CAN remedy this! Let's take a look at a few things you can do to reduce your auto insurance risk which, in turn, could lessen your auto insurance cost...
1) Purchase home/renter's insurance from the same carrier as your auto insurance. Some insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts.
2) Always obey traffic laws, specifically the speed limit. Insurance companies take note of your driving record. More speeding tickets = higher risk driver = increased auto insurance cost.
3) Study hard. Insurance companies often reward students with good grades with a student discount.
4) Purchase a vehicle that receives notability for low damageability and increased passenger safety.
5) When given the option, purchase additional safety features for your vehicle. (Air bags, antilock brakes, etc.)
6) Take a driver safety course. A defensive driving class could possibly reduce your insurance rate. If not, it would at least make you more aware of the importance of being a defensive driver.
Other things to keep in mind...
1) To the insurance company, plain and simple, you are a set of risks. Anything you can do to decrease your "risk factor" might affect your cost of coverage.
2) Always ask for discounts. Many insurance companies offer deals for safe drivers. If you're considered less of a risk, they'll likely reward you.
3) Always comparison shop. You can always find a bargain if you know where to look. Insurance is such a commodity. Comparison sites like HometownQuotes (<[>]) can help you shop for affordable insurance.
You can always eat too much cheesecake. You may get tired of Harry, Hermione and Ron. And that tube of Dior mascara will eventually get clumpy. Your auto insurance, however, is one purchase that you should never regret or feel guilty about. It will only cushion you in the end. Are you covered?
*Please note that this article is not a professional consultation. This article is for general information only. Always seek specific information from a licensed insurance professional.*
HometownQuotes, a Franklin, Tennessee company, provides a quick and easy way for consumers to compare multiple insurance quotes. To learn more, visit
Okay. I admit it. I'll stand in line for the latest Harry Potter book. You can probably convince me that I "need" the latest Dior volumizing mascara and yes,I have eaten turtle cheesecake for supper before. I have several guilty pleasures. Buying auto insurance is not one of them, but it's a necessity. Read on to learn why, in addition to being a legal stipulation, auto insurance is important to you and your assets.
First things first - While penalties vary state to state, you can guarantee that driving without coverage will take some clank out of your bank. Uninsured drivers can face a myriad of punishments for merely being stopped and not being able to prove coverage. This fact alone should be enough to convince you to start researching reasonable insurance coverages for your vehicle.
Not persuasive enough? Consider your possible liability in the event of an accident...
Your vehicle collides with Mrs. Baker's vehicle. Mrs. Baker is a fourth grade teacher at the local elementary school and is now facing $80,000 in medical bills, $65,000 in lost wages and is requesting $200,000 for pain and suffering. That's a $345,000 claim that, unless you have adequate coverage for, you will be pulling out of your pocket. Certainly in this case, as the too familiar adage wisely states, it's better to be safe than sorry.
So, you know you need auto insurance. While it's not sinfully delicious or nearly as enjoyable as turtle cheesecake, lack of adequate coverage will definitely leave you with a bellyache in the event of an automobile accident. It is possible to find insurance you can afford.
Remember! Your car insurance rate is based on your insurance risk assessment. If an insurance company determines you are a high-risk driver, your monthly cost will be higher than that of the average driver. You CAN remedy this! Let's take a look at a few things you can do to reduce your auto insurance risk which, in turn, could lessen your auto insurance cost...
1) Purchase home/renter's insurance from the same carrier as your auto insurance. Some insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts.
2) Always obey traffic laws, specifically the speed limit. Insurance companies take note of your driving record. More speeding tickets = higher risk driver = increased auto insurance cost.
3) Study hard. Insurance companies often reward students with good grades with a student discount.
4) Purchase a vehicle that receives notability for low damageability and increased passenger safety.
5) When given the option, purchase additional safety features for your vehicle. (Air bags, antilock brakes, etc.)
6) Take a driver safety course. A defensive driving class could possibly reduce your insurance rate. If not, it would at least make you more aware of the importance of being a defensive driver.
Other things to keep in mind...
1) To the insurance company, plain and simple, you are a set of risks. Anything you can do to decrease your "risk factor" might affect your cost of coverage.
2) Always ask for discounts. Many insurance companies offer deals for safe drivers. If you're considered less of a risk, they'll likely reward you.
3) Always comparison shop. You can always find a bargain if you know where to look. Insurance is such a commodity. Comparison sites like HometownQuotes (<[>]) can help you shop for affordable insurance.
You can always eat too much cheesecake. You may get tired of Harry, Hermione and Ron. And that tube of Dior mascara will eventually get clumpy. Your auto insurance, however, is one purchase that you should never regret or feel guilty about. It will only cushion you in the end. Are you covered?
*Please note that this article is not a professional consultation. This article is for general information only. Always seek specific information from a licensed insurance professional.*
HometownQuotes, a Franklin, Tennessee company, provides a quick and easy way for consumers to compare multiple insurance quotes. To learn more, visit