Baby Photo Competitions - How to Take Pictures That Will Get Votes & Have a Good Chance of Winning
There are several free to enter baby photo competitions out there that actually pay cash prizes (up to $2500) every month for the baby photo that gets the most votes.
But, how do you take pictures of your beautiful baby that will get votes? It's easy, you follow these 3 simple steps.
Show off your baby's personality.
Of all the things you can do in baby pictures, the most important is to showcase your little ones personality.
People love to see babies smiling, laughing and generally being silly.
Some great things to catch your cutie pie doing on camera are blowing bubbles, playing with the dog, having food on her face, or making funny faces.
Whatever it is that your baby does that makes people smile, capture it on camera, because it will make the voters smile too.
Take lots of pictures.
You want to know how the magazines get amazing pictures for their advertisements? The big secret (besides Photoshop?) is quantity.
If you take a bunch of pictures, you are sure to come up with some winners.
I promise this will work.
Just start snapping and you will be amazed at what you get.
Follow the KISS method Keep it simple.
Baby's are cute and I'm sure yours is no exception.
The sweetest baby pictures are usually of just the baby without a lot of extra stuff.
Voters aren't interested in your house, or your background, but they are interested in your cute bundle of joy.
So show him off.
Keep the picture simple and you will get great pictures.
But, how do you take pictures of your beautiful baby that will get votes? It's easy, you follow these 3 simple steps.
Show off your baby's personality.
Of all the things you can do in baby pictures, the most important is to showcase your little ones personality.
People love to see babies smiling, laughing and generally being silly.
Some great things to catch your cutie pie doing on camera are blowing bubbles, playing with the dog, having food on her face, or making funny faces.
Whatever it is that your baby does that makes people smile, capture it on camera, because it will make the voters smile too.
Take lots of pictures.
You want to know how the magazines get amazing pictures for their advertisements? The big secret (besides Photoshop?) is quantity.
If you take a bunch of pictures, you are sure to come up with some winners.
I promise this will work.
Just start snapping and you will be amazed at what you get.
Follow the KISS method Keep it simple.
Baby's are cute and I'm sure yours is no exception.
The sweetest baby pictures are usually of just the baby without a lot of extra stuff.
Voters aren't interested in your house, or your background, but they are interested in your cute bundle of joy.
So show him off.
Keep the picture simple and you will get great pictures.