Preschool Activities for When it's Raining
- An important component of preschooler's development is an interest in fantasy play. Though preschoolers understand the difference between reality and fantasy, they relish the opportunity to adopt new roles and identify with different people. Play that takes advantage of this tendency can stave off boredom. Try giving your preschooler finger puppets or marionettes and encouraging her to put on a play. Providing your preschooler with a dress up box full of costumes, old clothes and whimsical hats is also an excellent way to channel her creativity. Simple role-playing exercises can help your child improve her empathy skills as well as keep her mind engaged. Ask her what it would be like to be different kinds of people and then encourage her to act out those peoples' lives.
- Because preschoolers love make believe and because they are rapidly developing more refined fine and gross motors skills, many children this age love art. Several companies have developed art supplies designed specifically for preschoolers. Crayola's color wonder paper, for example, allows preschoolers to draw, paint and color without getting walls and carpets dirty. Rose Art makes easels at a preschooler-appropriate height. Try giving your child an easel and paints and watch his imagination take over. Stickers are also a perennial favorite of children this age. Provide your child with a box of stickers and some paper and he'll be occupied for quite awhile.
- Parents are often reluctant to allow their children to play video games out of fear that they will interfere with academic pursuits or instill bad lessons. Video games, however, increase hand-eye coordination and can provide children with excellent educational opportunities. Choose video games designed for young children and avoid fixating on teaching your child the rules of the game. Most preschoolers are excited simply to press buttons and see what happens.
- Young children have an instinctive sense of rhythm and love both dancing and music. Rather than putting your child in front of television with music, try selecting music together and dancing around the house. Your child will not only have fun. She'll also get valuable exercise.
Pretend Play
Video Games