Weatherization Assistance Grants
- WAP programs help low-income homes become more energy-efficient so utility bills are less expensive. According to the Department of Energy, weatherization grants allow families in need have access to the technologically advanced appliances used in the housing industry. The government gives WAP funds to local governments that distribute the funds among local community organizations that assist low-income residents. The goal of WAP is to improve the safety and energy-efficiency of homes, reduce energy bills and improve the health of program beneficiaries.
- Families who live in manufactured and single-family homes can receive WAP assistance. Property owners who manage apartments can also receive WAP assistance if they own at least five rental units but no more than 25 units. In order to receive grant assistance through WAP, a household must meet the income guidelines. HHS states that qualifying households have an income 150 percent or lower than the federal poverty level or 60 percent or less than their state's median income. Those given priority status to receive LIHEAP assistance are households whose incomes are comparatively less than their energy needs, according to HHS. To receive help, an applicant must present the agency providing WAP assistance with proof of income, address, household size, citizenship or legal status, as well as copies of recent energy service termination notices or utility bills.
- LIHEAP awards block grants to all the states and territories in the U.S., which gives the funds to community programs. Many community agencies include LIHEAP in their weatherization assistance program. The amount of funds a community receives depends on the size of its low-income population and weather trends. LIHEP grants help pay for energy bills and assist when a family faces the termination of their energy services for non-payment of bills. Individuals can seek LIHEAP assistance from the natural gas or electric company, or by contacting the nearest Community Action Partnership agency.
- Eligibility for LIHEAP assistance is the same as WAP. Property owners, however, do not receive energy assistance through this program as tenants are generally responsible for paying the energy bill. Thus, individuals living in a rented property can receive assistance through LIHEAP.
Weatherization Assistance
Weatherization Program Eligibility
Eligibility for LIHEAP Grants