How to Install Large Size Tile
- 1). Use a chalk snap line to divide the room into four quadrants, with the corners meeting in the center. Lay a square at the intersection and adjust as needed so the lines are exactly 90 degrees to each other.
- 2). Set the tiles down without mortar in two rows along the lines, starting at the intersection and extending out toward the walls in four directions. Determine how much room will be left between the end of each tile and the wall. For any space that will be less than half a tile width, move the line of tiles toward the wall, making that line start with a full tile and end with a wider cut than was there before. Resnap your lines as necessary.
- 3). Cover 2 or 3 square feet at the center of the floor with mortar, spreading it with a notched trowel in one of the four corners formed by the two lines.
- 4). Press the first large tile in place in the mortar at the intersection. Build out with additional tiles, lining them up at their edges and putting spacers between them. Build your way toward the sides of the room in a grid, spreading more mortar as needed. Stop when no more full tiles will fit at the edges by the walls.
- 5). Measure the space left between the end of the tiles and the walls. Cut the tiles to fit, using a tile cutter. Lay them with the cut sides facing the walls.
- 6). Let the tiles set for 12 hours. Pull out the spacers.
- 7). Use a grout float to spread grout over the lines, pressing it into the spaces and scraping it off the surface. Wipe up the residual grout with a damp sponge. Let it set for 24 hours.
- 8). Apply grout sealer to the grout, using a foam brush.