Game Ideas for a Boys Sport Theme Birthday Party and Sleepover
- Boys can play a variety of sports during a sports-themed birthday party. Divide boys into groups of two. If there are an unequal number of teams, other guests can take turns playing different positions. Some games that the boys can play, depending on the number of guests that are included, are baseball, whiffle ball, kickball, Frisbee,flag football, basketball or dodge ball.
- Boys can play relay races with a sports-themed twist. One relay race involves a suitcase. They players race to change into different clothes or into a football or baseball uniform. Likewise, instead two players racing while balancing a balloon between their backs, boys can race by balancing a basketball or soccer ball.
- Video games are perfect to play during a birthday party and sleepover because kids can play them any time of the day or night. Kids can play all kinds of sports video games from soccer to golf to baseball and football. Even if not everyone can play once, everyone will enjoy cheering on the players.
- Skills tournaments are good for birthday parties where you don't need an even number of players for teams. These are individual games that boys can play such a free throw basketball competition, a home run baseball competition or a soccer goal kick off. You can set up an obstacle course that kids can dribble a basketball or kick a soccer ball around.
Relay Races
Video Games
Skills Tournaments