Business Cracks Will Break Your Business" Back
Do you remember what we used to say as kids, "step on a crack, and break your mamas' back!"? Well, now that we are all grown up, the old adage still rings true - to an extent.
As adults in the business world, we are discovering that actually stepping on your business cracks without repairing them can really break its back.
Are there cracks in your business? Not just your foundation, but in other areas, as well? Business cracks come from errors.
Errors come from a lack of knowledge, a lack of resources and a lack of cash.
In all honestly though, errors can result from a variety of things.
The problem occurs when we focus on quick fixing the crack.
Quick fixes happen when we fail to determine the true cause of the crack (error, problem, challenge, etc.
It all boils down to re-learning the simple equation of cause and effect related to your business.
We spend so much time on fixating on the error rather than actually eliminating the cause of the error that our businesses begin failing.
Try to imagine it this way.
Imagine your business is the earth and you are out in space orbiting your "business earth," looking for rough areas, soft areas and smooth areas.
The smooth areas are good to go but the rough and soft areas need work.
Taking a birds-eye view of your business is ok but taking the "business earth" view of your business is taking how you operate your business to a completely strategic level.
For example, a rough area indicates a bumpy path or a bumpy area of your Small Business System.
? So, maybe the way you are going about managing your daily administrative tasks takes up all your time and you never get a chance to actually do what you planned to do on any given day.
You answer phone calls, you check emails, you create your to do lists, and so on.
All these administrative tasks are getting done but they are the only things getting done.
The marketing, selling, planning, managing and other strategic work is being pushed to the side.
As a result, goals are not being met, existing customers are not being serviced, new customers are not being acquired, important deadlines are being pushed back, and before you know it, it is the end of the year and your cash flow is still in the red.
This is a business crack that needs fixing.
But do not begin repairing this crack by changing your hours or turning off your email.
Rather, begin repairing the crack by determining the root cause of the crack.
Attack the cause first - not the effect of the cause.
Begin repairing the cause of your business cracks with these four steps: 1.
Determine if it is the rough areas that need to be worked on first or if it is the soft areas that are ready to cave in and that need the attention immediately.
How do you know which crack need your immediate attention? It is based on your culture and strategic goals.
Are you meeting your own expectations? Are your strategic goals set and are you on track to meet them? Only you can decide what needs immediate attention first; think long-term versus short-term fixes.
Begin breaking down the soft and rough areas within the key functions of your business and rank accordingly, based on what you need to work on first.
Compare these to the goals you have already set; are you doing what you say you are going to do or do you keep doing the same things over and over again and getting less than stellar results? Are you the main cause of the cracks in your business? 3.
Make a list of your top five business cracks and prioritize them.
Take your list and put your business cracks in order of importance and emergency.
There may be some cracks that need fixing in order for you to stay in business! Put those at the top of your list.
Take on each crack one at a time.
Determine the cause of these cracks and create a strategy to alleviate them.
This will take a little time but not too much.
The best way to do this is to list out the action steps that need to happen to fix the cause of the cracks - put them in order and determine a schedule of completion.
Stop quick fixing your business errors and start with correcting the root cause of the error.
Your business backbone will thank you with consistent cash flow and profits! Remember, business cracks can break you business' back! Copyright Efficio, Inc.
by Sherese Duncan, president & CEO, Efficio, Inc.
As adults in the business world, we are discovering that actually stepping on your business cracks without repairing them can really break its back.
Are there cracks in your business? Not just your foundation, but in other areas, as well? Business cracks come from errors.
Errors come from a lack of knowledge, a lack of resources and a lack of cash.
In all honestly though, errors can result from a variety of things.
The problem occurs when we focus on quick fixing the crack.
Quick fixes happen when we fail to determine the true cause of the crack (error, problem, challenge, etc.
It all boils down to re-learning the simple equation of cause and effect related to your business.
We spend so much time on fixating on the error rather than actually eliminating the cause of the error that our businesses begin failing.
Try to imagine it this way.
Imagine your business is the earth and you are out in space orbiting your "business earth," looking for rough areas, soft areas and smooth areas.
The smooth areas are good to go but the rough and soft areas need work.
Taking a birds-eye view of your business is ok but taking the "business earth" view of your business is taking how you operate your business to a completely strategic level.
For example, a rough area indicates a bumpy path or a bumpy area of your Small Business System.
? So, maybe the way you are going about managing your daily administrative tasks takes up all your time and you never get a chance to actually do what you planned to do on any given day.
You answer phone calls, you check emails, you create your to do lists, and so on.
All these administrative tasks are getting done but they are the only things getting done.
The marketing, selling, planning, managing and other strategic work is being pushed to the side.
As a result, goals are not being met, existing customers are not being serviced, new customers are not being acquired, important deadlines are being pushed back, and before you know it, it is the end of the year and your cash flow is still in the red.
This is a business crack that needs fixing.
But do not begin repairing this crack by changing your hours or turning off your email.
Rather, begin repairing the crack by determining the root cause of the crack.
Attack the cause first - not the effect of the cause.
Begin repairing the cause of your business cracks with these four steps: 1.
Determine if it is the rough areas that need to be worked on first or if it is the soft areas that are ready to cave in and that need the attention immediately.
How do you know which crack need your immediate attention? It is based on your culture and strategic goals.
Are you meeting your own expectations? Are your strategic goals set and are you on track to meet them? Only you can decide what needs immediate attention first; think long-term versus short-term fixes.
Begin breaking down the soft and rough areas within the key functions of your business and rank accordingly, based on what you need to work on first.
Compare these to the goals you have already set; are you doing what you say you are going to do or do you keep doing the same things over and over again and getting less than stellar results? Are you the main cause of the cracks in your business? 3.
Make a list of your top five business cracks and prioritize them.
Take your list and put your business cracks in order of importance and emergency.
There may be some cracks that need fixing in order for you to stay in business! Put those at the top of your list.
Take on each crack one at a time.
Determine the cause of these cracks and create a strategy to alleviate them.
This will take a little time but not too much.
The best way to do this is to list out the action steps that need to happen to fix the cause of the cracks - put them in order and determine a schedule of completion.
Stop quick fixing your business errors and start with correcting the root cause of the error.
Your business backbone will thank you with consistent cash flow and profits! Remember, business cracks can break you business' back! Copyright Efficio, Inc.
by Sherese Duncan, president & CEO, Efficio, Inc.