Natural Virus Cures
- Garlic, with its sulfur constituents, is known to be a powerful fighter against bacteria and virus, especially the flu virus. Taking about a dozen cloves of garlic daily during the infection, or a little less otherwise, can provide quick relief from virus attacks and even prevent some. You could use it as a salad dressing or have it cooked into soups, vegetables, meats or bread. Ginger, apart from being an effective remedy against stomach trouble, has nearly a dozen antiviral chemicals in it. A ginger tea or adding ginger to foods would be a clever way to tackle a viral infection. Turmeric and onion also seem to have similar virus-fighting properties.
- Licorice, with glycyrrhizin as one of its active antiviral constituents, prevents multiplication of viral organisms. A licorice tea made by steeping for 10 minutes a few teaspoons full of dried licorice root in a cup of boiling water helps fight virus. You could also take the tasty Asian mushroom shiitake, with its antiviral, immunity-stimulating lentinan, which will help you fight off a viral infection.
- Eucalyptus oil, with its many antiviral compounds such as quercitrin, hyperoside and tannic acid, could be used as a balm or inhaler to fight off infection caused by virus. A hot bedtime tea made with honeysuckle and forsythia, sometimes mixed with lemon balm, can provide quick and lasting relief from a viral infection.
- This herb, popular with North American Indians for ages, is known to fight a virus by acting like the body's own antiviral constituent while simultaneously stimulating the body's immunity system to defend the body better. The echinacin, chicoric acid and caffeic acid of the echinacea root extract possibly rouse parts of the immune system to gather disease-battling white blood cells at the infection zone. According to some researchers, the herb impedes the functioning of the enzyme integrase that helps the virus colony to grow and multiply, controlling the infection.
- You could also try using goldenseal for its immunity-stimulating properties and juniper for its antiviral compound that slows down development of the flu and herpes virus. Other natural virus cures would include the Chinese immunity-stimulating herb astragalus, especially for respiratory viral infections, dragon's blood for external application on wounds and cuts and the parsley family member lomatium as an effective modulator of the immune system.
- Detoxify your body and cleanse your bowels. Alter your diet to have the minimum quantity of sugar. Maintain good personal hygiene, exercise regularly, sleep well and drink lots of water.
Garlic and Ginger
Licorice and Shiitake
Eucalyptus and Honeysuckle
Other Herbs
General Measures