Crime Prevention Programs for Lower Class Families
- Crime prevention programs do work.handcuffs four image by Paul Moore from
Crime prevention programs can be effective tools in reducing crime. With the help of the National Crime Prevention Council, there are several national initiatives available to parents and children in all socio-economic groups. Programs exist to stamp out bullying and cyber bullying while others reach out to underserved communities through secular and faith-based organizations. The goal of many of these programs is to reduce crime, educate, and meet the basic needs of struggling communities. - The Faith and Communities Engaged in Service initiative works to meet the basic needs of underserved communities. Crime prevention and safe schools are a large part of what they do. The aim is to reach underserved communities through the combined efforts of both faith-based and secular non-profit entities. Urban renewal is a main goal of this initiative.
- The Circle of Respect is another initiative created by the National Crime Prevention Council. The aim is to educate parents, children and teachers about the effects of bullying and cyber bullying. The programs target schools, making families from all socio-economic backgrounds eligible. The Circle of Respect works to change the image of bullying. Some still view bullying as a right of passage and something that all children go through. The Circle of Respect works to change this through educational programs.
- Teens make up more than half of the victims of violent crime, according to the National Crime Prevention Council. Teens from underserved communities, ethnic minorities or having disabilities suffer more through the lack of available victim's services. The Underserved Teen Victims Initiative works reaches out to youth leaders to heighten awareness of teen violence and victimization. In addition to raising awareness, the initiative works to create greater access to victim's programs for the most vulnerable. The National Crime Prevention Council is the contact organization for the three programs listed here.
National Crime Prevention Council
2345 Crystal Line Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
Faith and Communities Engaged in Service
The Circle of Respect
The Underserved Teens Victims Initiative