What Are the Treatments for Dog Ticks?
- While chemical treatments are harsh and not recommended often, giving your dog a bath in a strong anti-tick dip will kill what is on your dog, both the living ticks and eggs. Check hiding spots like ears and between their toes to make sure you rid them of all ticks.
- Throw out old bedding and pillows that your dog sleeps on or rests in. Left alone, these are the areas where eggs and new ticks will find their way back to your dog or family members. For things that cannot be thrown out, like carpeting or bed mattresses, wash what you can in the hottest possible water, bleach what can be bleached and vacuum what you can daily until you are certain the infestation is gone.
- List the places your dog has been. Treat backyard habitats with tick control sprays found at home improvement stores. When hiking with your dog, check them before you leave the trails to remove any ticks that may have hitched a ride while the dog was walking through brush.
- Garlic has anti-tick and flea properties. Adding a little cooked garlic into your dog's food will help repel any ticks that may otherwise be attracted to your dog.
- The best way to get rid of ticks is to not have them in the first place. Use veterinarian-approved products like Frontline skin applications to prevent tick outbreaks on your dog. The application is done monthly by placing a vial of serum on the skin between your dog's shoulders and hind legs.
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