Paper Manger Craft Instructions
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Use thick construction paper.color paper samples #9 image by stassad from
Cut out the basic shapes for the manger scene out of construction paper. These shapes should include a wooden shed, a cradle, baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the three wise men and a variety of farm animals, such as horses, cows, sheep and goats. You can add details to the faces using fine-tipped markers. - 2
Cut out the basic shapes.scissors image by Pefkos from
Cut out 10 strips of poster board that are each 1 inch wide and 3 inches long. Cut one strip of poster board that is 2 inches wide and 5 inches long. These strips will be used to hold up the characters and scenery for your paper manger. Curl the smaller strips around your finger to bend them into half-circle shapes. Bend the larger strip into a larger half moon shape. - 3
Glue the shapes to the poster board.bottle of glue on black marble image by phizics from
Glue the smaller curved strips to the characters in the manger scene. To do this, bend the ends of the curved strips slightly outward, then glue the bent ends to the character. Repeat this process with each of the characters. Bend and glue the larger strip of poster board to the shed in the same manner as the smaller strips. Allow the glue to dry completely before using the paper manger for a skit or puppet show.