Christmas Card Craft Ideas for Children
- Fold colorful sheets of contruction paper to create homemade Christmas cards.paper samples for business cards image by Adam Radosavljevic from
Help children craft their own Christmas cards to present to friends and family during the holiday season. A basic Christmas card is easily made by folding a piece of construction paper in half. Make a smaller card by folding the construction paper in half one more time. Use card stock if you want to create sturdy cards that will last more than one season. - Paper snowflakes are a simple craft for children who are old enough to use scissors. Form the snowflakes by folding a piece of paper in half and then folding the edges in to create a cone shape. Trim the wide end of the cone to give it a round appearance and let children randomly snip away pieces of the paper. Decorative hole punches may also be used to cut away parts of the paper. When the paper is unfolded, it will look like an intricate snowflake. Glue the snowflake to the front of a Christmas card and repeat the process with smaller pieces of paper to make small snowflakes for the inside of the card.
- A pop-up card is made by adding an inner liner to a basic Christmas card. Fold a piece of construction paper in half so that it fits neatly inside your card and cut four horizontal slits into the folded edge of the card to create two flaps. When you open the card, carefully pull the flaps out so that they pop up into the center of the card. Glue the inner liner to the inside of your Christmas card. Cut out shapes such as Christmas trees, snowmen, gingerbread men or wreaths and glue them to the flaps inside the card.
- Young children who cannot use scissors yet can still enjoy decorating Christmas cards. Show the child how to press his thumb into a nontoxic ink pad and make thumbprints of the front of the card. Transform a brown thumbprint into a reindeer with googly eyes, a pom-pom nose and antlers drawn with a marker. Group together three white thumbprints to form a snowman or a cluster of green thumbprints dotted with a few red thumbprints to form a Christmas wreath.
- Older children or adults can handle the task of cutting an ornament-shaped card out of card stock to prevent injuries to little fingers. Fold a piece of card stock in half and draw a circle on the card stock with a stem on the top that extends to the folded edge of the card stock. Cut out the shape without cutting along the folded edge to form the ornament card. Let children decorate their ornaments with markers and paints or allow them to glue beads, sequins and bits of ribbon to the card to create colorful ornaments.
Snowflake Card
Pop-Up Card
Thumbprint Cards
Ornament Card