How to Fix a Fishing Trawler Net in Runescape
- 1). Begin the mini-game by speaking to Murphy at the dock at Port Khazard. After speaking with him, click on the gangplank and board the trawler.
- 2). View the mini-game activity bars that appear in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The net status is indicated beneath the activity bar and the water bar. The net needs repair when the status changes from "OK" to "ripped."
- 3). Go to the back of the boat and climb the ladder to the upper deck to find the net.
- 4). Click directly on the net to fix it. If properly done, the status will change to "OK." If not fixed with the first attempt, click on the net again until the status changes to "OK.". The net is repaired.
- 5). Repair the net whenever the status changes to "ripped," which occurs frequently during the mini-game.