Is Green Tea Fat Loss Recommended As a Way to Lose Weight?
One of the few things that is actually true in the diet world is the affect that green tea has on weight loss.
There are plenty of companies that are now including green tea in all of their weight loss products, so yes Dorothy, green tea fat loss products can be very effective in losing weight.
In actuality, you only need to consume the green tea and forget the rest of the supplements! Study after study gets conducted and time and time again, green tea comes out on top.
The reason it is found to work in the aid of fat loss is because it has natural ingredients that cause your metabolism to increase and when that happens, your body burns off fat at a higher level than normal.
The main natural ingredient in green tea that causes this weight loss is a polyphenol called catechin.
It would seem as though catechins are some type of natural superdrug as they are also found to possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
Green tea holds up to all the scrutiny, in fact, it seems that the more they research it, the more positive things it can do naturally for our bodies.
One of the more positive studies that has been conducted with green tea involved 35 men who were just about identical in all aspects of their being.
Over three months there were all fed a similar diet with the only variable being a higher influx of green tea extract with catechins for half of them.
At the end of the study, the men with the higher rate of extract experienced almost twice the weight loss of the other gentlemen.
Something else that was pretty amazing was the fact that both the BMI and LDL (bad cholesterol) were also lower in the men with the higher concentration of extract in their diet.
You would have to wonder where has green tea been all of our lives as it is so effective in fighting so many negative things in our everyday health.
Green tea is the one true ingredient in supplements that claim to be diet wonder drugs that actually works.
So many things are hyped up, but they all seem to be proven time and again to be either unhealthy or an outright fraud.
It is nice to finally see something that lives up to the hype that it promises.
One thing to keep in mind though is that a green tea fat loss diet [http://fastestwaytoloseweightblog.
com/is-there-a-green-tea-fat-loss-diet/] should be simply an addition to a healthy lifestyle.
It is meant to supplement an healthy meal plan and exercise program.
There are plenty of companies that are now including green tea in all of their weight loss products, so yes Dorothy, green tea fat loss products can be very effective in losing weight.
In actuality, you only need to consume the green tea and forget the rest of the supplements! Study after study gets conducted and time and time again, green tea comes out on top.
The reason it is found to work in the aid of fat loss is because it has natural ingredients that cause your metabolism to increase and when that happens, your body burns off fat at a higher level than normal.
The main natural ingredient in green tea that causes this weight loss is a polyphenol called catechin.
It would seem as though catechins are some type of natural superdrug as they are also found to possess anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory characteristics.
Green tea holds up to all the scrutiny, in fact, it seems that the more they research it, the more positive things it can do naturally for our bodies.
One of the more positive studies that has been conducted with green tea involved 35 men who were just about identical in all aspects of their being.
Over three months there were all fed a similar diet with the only variable being a higher influx of green tea extract with catechins for half of them.
At the end of the study, the men with the higher rate of extract experienced almost twice the weight loss of the other gentlemen.
Something else that was pretty amazing was the fact that both the BMI and LDL (bad cholesterol) were also lower in the men with the higher concentration of extract in their diet.
You would have to wonder where has green tea been all of our lives as it is so effective in fighting so many negative things in our everyday health.
Green tea is the one true ingredient in supplements that claim to be diet wonder drugs that actually works.
So many things are hyped up, but they all seem to be proven time and again to be either unhealthy or an outright fraud.
It is nice to finally see something that lives up to the hype that it promises.
One thing to keep in mind though is that a green tea fat loss diet [http://fastestwaytoloseweightblog.
com/is-there-a-green-tea-fat-loss-diet/] should be simply an addition to a healthy lifestyle.
It is meant to supplement an healthy meal plan and exercise program.