7 Reasons to Add Podcasting to Your Business Marketing Mix
Copyright 2005 Rodney Rumford
Leveraging podcasting technology can give you a marketing edgethat will allow you to increase your online visibility, increaseyour client acquisition rates and improve customer loyalty. Thesmart businesses and marketing companies will add podcasting tothe marketing mix for their business. Adding podcasting to yourmarketing mix can have tremendous positive impact on yourbusiness. Many small and large businesses are still trying tounderstand the basics of podcasting technology. There are manyarticles and white papers that can educate people on the basicsof podcasting 101. If you are looking to educate yourself moreon podcasting for your business you can read the 6 blogs thatare available at http://blog.podblaze.com
So exactly how does marketing with podcasts work? Think ofpodcasting as a communication tool for your business. How do youcurrently use marketing tools such as: your website, newsletterand email marketing? You probably use these mediums tocommunicate messaging to your target audience. But there aresome problems with trying to market through these communicationchannels.
People don't always get your email due to overly aggressive Spamfilters. They don't come back and visit your website, or readyour newsletter. People actually have to make an effort to readyour content. If you have a podcast, they can actually streamthe audio and let it play while they are doing other tasks attheir computer. People tend to multitask in order to be moreefficient with the use of their time. Additionally, most userstend to prefer value added audio content that is specific totheir areas of interest. Your quality audio podcast content alsotends to have a higher perceived value by your target market.
Providing value added content is what your business should befocusing on. Podcasting is only a communication tool, and yourpodcast is only as good as the content that you provide to youraudience. Make sure that you produce relevant content and notjust a rambling piece of audio. Follow the best practices that Iwrote about in my last article.
Most businesses need to be made aware of the increased onlinevisibility that podcasting can provide. Your podcast could be infront of 40 million iTunes listeners if you have made an iTunescompatible RSS podcast feed; multiple Blog directories orspecialized podcast ping directories such ashttp://www.freshpodcasts.com or http://audio.weblogs.com Verifythat the major podcast ping directories receive a ping everytime you add a new show to your podcast RSS feed.
Additionally, the search engines will look at the RSS podcastingfeed and spider the show notes that are tied to your podcast aswell.
Here are 6 of the 7 reasons that your business should bepodcasting and some of the business benefits that you couldderive from a properly executed podcast...
1. Increase your marketing reach and online visibility 2.Improve your sales & conversion rates 3. Regular line ofcommunication with subscribed listeners 4. Value added contentincreases loyalty 5. Industry news and trends sets you apartfrom the competition 6. Interviews with leaders in yourparticular niche will establish your business as a respectedleader in your niche or industry.
You can get the 7th reason and learn even more about usingpodcasting as a business marketing tool by reading these 6podcasting business blogs at http://blog.podblaze.com
So don't wait any longer; start podcasting today and leveragethis audio technology for your business
Leveraging podcasting technology can give you a marketing edgethat will allow you to increase your online visibility, increaseyour client acquisition rates and improve customer loyalty. Thesmart businesses and marketing companies will add podcasting tothe marketing mix for their business. Adding podcasting to yourmarketing mix can have tremendous positive impact on yourbusiness. Many small and large businesses are still trying tounderstand the basics of podcasting technology. There are manyarticles and white papers that can educate people on the basicsof podcasting 101. If you are looking to educate yourself moreon podcasting for your business you can read the 6 blogs thatare available at http://blog.podblaze.com
So exactly how does marketing with podcasts work? Think ofpodcasting as a communication tool for your business. How do youcurrently use marketing tools such as: your website, newsletterand email marketing? You probably use these mediums tocommunicate messaging to your target audience. But there aresome problems with trying to market through these communicationchannels.
People don't always get your email due to overly aggressive Spamfilters. They don't come back and visit your website, or readyour newsletter. People actually have to make an effort to readyour content. If you have a podcast, they can actually streamthe audio and let it play while they are doing other tasks attheir computer. People tend to multitask in order to be moreefficient with the use of their time. Additionally, most userstend to prefer value added audio content that is specific totheir areas of interest. Your quality audio podcast content alsotends to have a higher perceived value by your target market.
Providing value added content is what your business should befocusing on. Podcasting is only a communication tool, and yourpodcast is only as good as the content that you provide to youraudience. Make sure that you produce relevant content and notjust a rambling piece of audio. Follow the best practices that Iwrote about in my last article.
Most businesses need to be made aware of the increased onlinevisibility that podcasting can provide. Your podcast could be infront of 40 million iTunes listeners if you have made an iTunescompatible RSS podcast feed; multiple Blog directories orspecialized podcast ping directories such ashttp://www.freshpodcasts.com or http://audio.weblogs.com Verifythat the major podcast ping directories receive a ping everytime you add a new show to your podcast RSS feed.
Additionally, the search engines will look at the RSS podcastingfeed and spider the show notes that are tied to your podcast aswell.
Here are 6 of the 7 reasons that your business should bepodcasting and some of the business benefits that you couldderive from a properly executed podcast...
1. Increase your marketing reach and online visibility 2.Improve your sales & conversion rates 3. Regular line ofcommunication with subscribed listeners 4. Value added contentincreases loyalty 5. Industry news and trends sets you apartfrom the competition 6. Interviews with leaders in yourparticular niche will establish your business as a respectedleader in your niche or industry.
You can get the 7th reason and learn even more about usingpodcasting as a business marketing tool by reading these 6podcasting business blogs at http://blog.podblaze.com
So don't wait any longer; start podcasting today and leveragethis audio technology for your business