Fun Gifts for an 18 Month's Easter Basket
- Put some fun gifts in an 18-month-old's Easter basket.Elyse Lewin/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images
While an 18-month-old may not understand the religious meaning of Easter, he or she will certainly enjoy an Easter basket filled with plastic eggs, candies and toys. Choose a few fun gift ideas to fill an Easter basket for the toddler in your life. While most toddlers love candy, avoid choking hazards, such as jelly beans. - You can't forget the candy when it comes to an Easter basket for an 18-month-old. But don't include too much candy. Instead, buy a hollow chocolate bunny rabbit. This is plenty of candy for a toddler.
- Many toddlers love bath time. Put a gift in the Easter basket that he or she can enjoy at bath time. Choose a bottle of bubble bath in a pastel Easter color. Include a plastic bunny rabbit that the toddler can play with in the tub. Look for Easter eggs that are meant to be used in the bath, so he or she can let them float on top of the water. Choose a bath towel in a pastel color with bunny rabbits on it.
- Sidewalk chalk is the perfect gift for a toddler who loves coloring. He or she can draw pictures on the sidewalk outside or even on your driveway. Choose a package of chalks in pastel Easter colors. Select the thick ones, which are easier for tiny toddler hands to hold. In addition to the traditional type of chalk, select some chalks shaped like bunny rabbits and Easter eggs.
- Toddlers love dressing up, so put an Easter costume in his or her basket. Look for a costume at a party store or a children's toy store. Costume options include a bunny rabbit, a baby duck, a lamb or even an Easter egg. Any of these would work perfectly for an 18-month-old's Easter basket.
- Toddlers are beginning to become interested in stories, so select some books for the Easter basket. One idea is to choose books about the religious meaning of Easter that are age appropriate and illustrated with pictures that will hold his or her interest. You could also choose secular books about the Easter bunny or any bunnies. Many toddlers love to color, so throw in an Easter coloring book and a package of crayons.
Bath Gifts
Sidewalk Chalk