How to Find the Internet Options That Work for Me
- 1). Go to your Control Panel. Do this by first clicking on your "Start" button---Vista users may only have a Windows logo (instead of the word "Start") at the bottom left corner of the screen. Scroll through the menu and then click on the phrase "Control Panel." Double click on the icon (it will look like a mini earth or globe) with the phrase "Internet Options" underneath it. Wait for a new window to appear. It will read "Internet Options" at the top of your screen afterward.
- 2). Start with the "General" tab. Set your Internet homepage location in the blank area just underneath the sentence that starts with "To create home page tabs..." Enter the letters "http" and then put a colon and two forward slashes next to that. It will look like this: http://. Place www. next to the slashes. It will look like this: "http://www." Write in the location afterward---a search engine, for example. The whole string will look something like this: You can choose the one that works for you by entering the Internet page you visit most whenever you go online. Many people choose Google, a news website, email page or even blogsite. You can also set your browser settings and search defaults on this general tab page. Click the "Settings" button inside the corresponding section you want to review.
- 3). Click on the "Security" tab to restrict certain websites or change your security-level settings entirely. Single click on the "Do Not Enter" icon. Click on the "Sites" button below. You can block whatever website you want by entering its address in the blank area. Many parents do this to protect their children from inappropriate images or subject matter. Do the same procedure for the "Trusted" sites icon just left of the restricted sites icon. Look under the phrase "Security level for this zone" and click on the rectangular scroll bar just under the sentence that starts with "Allow levels for this zone..." Click and hold on it to change your Internet security level.
- 4). Perform similar actions on the other tabs to find Internet options that work for you. Privacy, connections and programs are the next few tabs you can explore to find settings you like. Privacy has to do with what or who can access your computer while you surf the Web, for example. You can use this feature to block marketing companies from accessing information about you.
Find the Internet Options That Work for Me