Natural Light Children"s Portrait Photography Business - Easy And Inexpensive To Get Started
Children's portrait photography is one of the most lucrative businesses out there.
What's more, it is also one of the easiest to market to.
The reason is simple.
Just look around you-almost anywhere you go you see people with children-they're everywhere!And just about all of them want beautiful, professional portraits of their children.
They know they're kids won't be kids forever, and that the snapshots they take themselves are not all they want to have to document their lives.
They realize that by having a professional take portraits of their kids, they'll have an even better record of their child's appearance and personality.
Yes, there always be those who will be alright with only having half-focused snapshots and still others who will settle for cheap, chain-store photography.
But there are LOTS of people out there who recognize the difference in low-grade photography and professional photography-that it is artistic-and that even at higher prices, it is a much better value to them.
It is easy to break into this market because of the emotional relationship parents have with their children.
Appeal to those emotions, convince them that they NEED (not want) to have their child's portrait taken by the best photographer in the area (YOU), and that they get what they pay for when it comes to photography, and you'll have all the clients you need.
While it might seem that there is a lot of competition in this area, there really is enough business to go around for you and all of your competitors.
All you need to do is set yourself apart from the pack.
"Traditionally-trained" photographers believe you must own a studio, belong to a professional photography association and follow all of its rules in order to be successful.
This simply is not true.
You can be extremely successful as a portrait photographer with just a few simple ideas:specialize in photographing children, photograph them in comfortable environment, and use natural light.
Using this method, you will no longer require a studio, fancy lighting equipment, backdrop stand and backdrops.
The children you photograph will be happy because they are not being forced to sit on a backdrop in front of scary-looking lights while you try to get a fake smile from them.
The results of a natural portrait session are obvious-real smiles from happy children.
Let's look at all the benefits of choosing this style of photographing children: oNo rent:You automatically eliminate one of the biggest drains on your budget-overhead, which includes rent for a studio, utilities and interior decorating.
This leaves you significantly more money for the most important part of your business-marketing.
oVery little equipment maintenance:The only equipment you'll need to do this kind of photography is a camera (and a computer, if you are using digital), so that is all the equipment you'll need to maintain.
oWork from home:You'll be able to work from the comfort of your own home, not answering to a boss anymore.
Set your own schedule, doing sessions only when they are convenient for you.
This leads directly to my next point-more time with your family.
oMore time with your family:The flexibility of working from home and setting your own schedule will allow you to be there for the important events in your family's life.
You'll never have to miss another dance recital or soccer game-simply schedule sessions around them! oSave time and effort:A lot of time and energy goes in to setting up equipment, especially when you work on location.
Natural portraiture eliminates this completely.
oFun: Without all of the constraints of "traditional" portrait photography, you'll enjoy your work!If you're like me, you'll actually end up looking forward to your sessions with great anticipation.
oNo thinking about equipment, just focus on session:You'll also enjoy being able to focus more on the artistic part of the session, since you won't be worried about whether or not your main light fired or if your subject is too close to the backdrop lights.
Just relax and snap away.
In my opinion, the easiest and least expensive photography business to start is one that specializes in natural-light photography of babies and children.
Because you can get going with such a low budget makes it a perfect choice for those who want to work from home and make a living with photography.
What's more, it is also one of the easiest to market to.
The reason is simple.
Just look around you-almost anywhere you go you see people with children-they're everywhere!And just about all of them want beautiful, professional portraits of their children.
They know they're kids won't be kids forever, and that the snapshots they take themselves are not all they want to have to document their lives.
They realize that by having a professional take portraits of their kids, they'll have an even better record of their child's appearance and personality.
Yes, there always be those who will be alright with only having half-focused snapshots and still others who will settle for cheap, chain-store photography.
But there are LOTS of people out there who recognize the difference in low-grade photography and professional photography-that it is artistic-and that even at higher prices, it is a much better value to them.
It is easy to break into this market because of the emotional relationship parents have with their children.
Appeal to those emotions, convince them that they NEED (not want) to have their child's portrait taken by the best photographer in the area (YOU), and that they get what they pay for when it comes to photography, and you'll have all the clients you need.
While it might seem that there is a lot of competition in this area, there really is enough business to go around for you and all of your competitors.
All you need to do is set yourself apart from the pack.
"Traditionally-trained" photographers believe you must own a studio, belong to a professional photography association and follow all of its rules in order to be successful.
This simply is not true.
You can be extremely successful as a portrait photographer with just a few simple ideas:specialize in photographing children, photograph them in comfortable environment, and use natural light.
Using this method, you will no longer require a studio, fancy lighting equipment, backdrop stand and backdrops.
The children you photograph will be happy because they are not being forced to sit on a backdrop in front of scary-looking lights while you try to get a fake smile from them.
The results of a natural portrait session are obvious-real smiles from happy children.
Let's look at all the benefits of choosing this style of photographing children: oNo rent:You automatically eliminate one of the biggest drains on your budget-overhead, which includes rent for a studio, utilities and interior decorating.
This leaves you significantly more money for the most important part of your business-marketing.
oVery little equipment maintenance:The only equipment you'll need to do this kind of photography is a camera (and a computer, if you are using digital), so that is all the equipment you'll need to maintain.
oWork from home:You'll be able to work from the comfort of your own home, not answering to a boss anymore.
Set your own schedule, doing sessions only when they are convenient for you.
This leads directly to my next point-more time with your family.
oMore time with your family:The flexibility of working from home and setting your own schedule will allow you to be there for the important events in your family's life.
You'll never have to miss another dance recital or soccer game-simply schedule sessions around them! oSave time and effort:A lot of time and energy goes in to setting up equipment, especially when you work on location.
Natural portraiture eliminates this completely.
oFun: Without all of the constraints of "traditional" portrait photography, you'll enjoy your work!If you're like me, you'll actually end up looking forward to your sessions with great anticipation.
oNo thinking about equipment, just focus on session:You'll also enjoy being able to focus more on the artistic part of the session, since you won't be worried about whether or not your main light fired or if your subject is too close to the backdrop lights.
Just relax and snap away.
In my opinion, the easiest and least expensive photography business to start is one that specializes in natural-light photography of babies and children.
Because you can get going with such a low budget makes it a perfect choice for those who want to work from home and make a living with photography.