Who Does the New Jersey Family Leave Act Cover?
- Those who are eligible for NJFLA coverage include employees who work for a company with at least 50 employees, a government agency or a school, and have worked for that employer for at least one year or 1,000 hours.
- Under NJFLA, an employer is required to provide unpaid leave to an employee under several conditions: the employee is caring for her newborn child either after birth or after the placement of a child in her care through foster care or adoption; the employee is caring for her spouse, child, or parent with a serious health issue; or the employee has a serious health condition that prevents her from performing her job.
- In some cases, the employee may elect, or the employer may require, use of paid leave, including sick time or vacation leave, under NJFLA.
- The NJFLA is very similar to the FMLA, except for the fact that FMLA allows employees paid leave due to their own disability, while the NJFLA does not.