Acne: Why We Get It And What Can Be Done About It
If commercials are to be believed, it is the single biggest problem facing young people today and the main cause as to why teenagers have trouble getting dates. Every year the field of acne medications, treatments, cures and so forth seem to expand, with more and more products vying for your teenager's (or your) time.
However, acne is not just something that teenagers may have to face. Many adults have troubles with acne as well. And contrary to popular belief, treating and getting rid of acne is not as simple as washing your face with a cleanser.
Granted, cleansers such as Clearasil, Proactiv or Neutrogena SkinCare are good for a quick wipe but not as a long term solution, especially if you have persistent, bad acne. For that, you first need to understand the root cause of acne, and its not eating pizza.
However, diet has something to do with it. Acne is the result of a build up of toxins in the body over time and occurs when there are more toxins than the body can remove. These toxins can come from your diet and what you eat, or drink, your level of physical activity and your environment.
You might be wondering how your level of physical activity and what you eat/drink can impact your acne. Foods high in fat, calories and so forth are harder for the body to break down and digest, and as documentaries such as "Super Size Me" have shown can be extremely detrimental to your health. If you regularly consume such a diet and then don't have much physical activity, your body will not be able to get rid of the toxins in a timely manner and you will have acne breakouts. A simple routine of 30 minutes a day assists the body in ridding itself of these toxins.
But still, why does a breakout occur? A breakout is your body's way of telling you that things are not right. Specifically, with the kidneys and the liver, the two main organs that handle waste and toxin disposal. A breakout means that they are overwhelmed. Once this happens, the body begins looking for other avenues to rid itself of the toxins. In this case, that other avenue would be the skin and lungs, and that is when you see acne.
So what is the solution? Certainly, diet and exercise play a role in helping decrease the chances of an outbreak. And the treatments you see on T.V. may have adverse effects on you, depending on your medical history.
There are natural treatments and techniques that have been proven to work, are easy to apply and don't cost a fortune. After all, wouldn't you want to cure your acne, instead of just treat the symptoms only to have it come back?
I know that what I'm about to reveal to you about how to get rid of acnecan seem impossible, but it is the truth!
However, acne is not just something that teenagers may have to face. Many adults have troubles with acne as well. And contrary to popular belief, treating and getting rid of acne is not as simple as washing your face with a cleanser.
Granted, cleansers such as Clearasil, Proactiv or Neutrogena SkinCare are good for a quick wipe but not as a long term solution, especially if you have persistent, bad acne. For that, you first need to understand the root cause of acne, and its not eating pizza.
However, diet has something to do with it. Acne is the result of a build up of toxins in the body over time and occurs when there are more toxins than the body can remove. These toxins can come from your diet and what you eat, or drink, your level of physical activity and your environment.
You might be wondering how your level of physical activity and what you eat/drink can impact your acne. Foods high in fat, calories and so forth are harder for the body to break down and digest, and as documentaries such as "Super Size Me" have shown can be extremely detrimental to your health. If you regularly consume such a diet and then don't have much physical activity, your body will not be able to get rid of the toxins in a timely manner and you will have acne breakouts. A simple routine of 30 minutes a day assists the body in ridding itself of these toxins.
But still, why does a breakout occur? A breakout is your body's way of telling you that things are not right. Specifically, with the kidneys and the liver, the two main organs that handle waste and toxin disposal. A breakout means that they are overwhelmed. Once this happens, the body begins looking for other avenues to rid itself of the toxins. In this case, that other avenue would be the skin and lungs, and that is when you see acne.
So what is the solution? Certainly, diet and exercise play a role in helping decrease the chances of an outbreak. And the treatments you see on T.V. may have adverse effects on you, depending on your medical history.
There are natural treatments and techniques that have been proven to work, are easy to apply and don't cost a fortune. After all, wouldn't you want to cure your acne, instead of just treat the symptoms only to have it come back?
I know that what I'm about to reveal to you about how to get rid of acnecan seem impossible, but it is the truth!