What Is a Danburite Gemstone?
- Danburite rates a 7 on the jeweler's hardness scale, the same number assigned to quartz. The mineral is commonly found as a small stone but is considered a rare find when it is large enough to be cut into a multi-faceted gem.
- Danburite can be clear to pale yellow and even pink and tan in some stones. Although considered a brilliant stone, it does lack the distinctive flecks of color when cut that jewelers refer to as "fire."
- The gem is sensitive to heat, so steam-cleanings can alter its appearance. No other limitations exist for danburite as jewelry, so it is used in pendants, bracelets, rings, earrings and necklaces.
- The International Gem Society priced danburite at $20 to $120 per carat as of 2010. Price is dependent on the size, cut, clarity and color of the stone. A colorless danburite would fetch more.
Uses and Limitations
Price Range