Pulsed Dye Laser Therapy
The best anti-aging solution is Pulsed dye laser, a popular form of laser therapy, which minimizes aging to a great extent.
Reason for treatment Pulsed dyed laser is used for 'correcting' targeted areas like scars and blemishes.
There are also specific 'preventive' sessions, for instance, smoothening of scar or reducing sun damage.
Generally, both these benefits ensure stimulation of collagen formation and speedy cell turn-over which cause skin rejuvenation and glowing and youthful appearance.
Patients also see a great improvement in their skin tone, post-treatment.
Similar to several other correction options, the pulsed dyed work according to the quality of treatment, desired results and the present state of the skin.
The size and depth of wrinkles and fine lines determine the treatment, and the attention and efforts required.
Hyperpigmentation disorders, like melasmas and age spots can also be treated effectively.
Besides, patients can optimally get rid of spider veins, moles, warts, birthmarks, broken capillaries, port wine marks and cherry angiomas with this treatment.
PDL Therapy Sessions One pulsed dyed laser session lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.
However, it can be as short as 15 minutes for minuscule broken capillaries.
Normally patients observe skin reconstruction within 3 or 4 sessions.
On the other hand, severe damages like dramatic scars or deep lines can require a number of sittings.
For the more critical reparations, Pro-fractional treatment is recommended.
The patients' eyes are protected by a pair of thick and dark glasses during the course of the treatment.
How It Works Energy-filled light beams of the pulsed dyed lasers are focused on the redundant blood vessels of the targeted areas.
The heat emitted by the laser light destroys these unwanted vessels without harming the healthier skin cells beneath or around them.
The safe yellow laser light does not cause any lasting damage or 'slip' through.
Pulsed duration and PDL wavelengths can be customized in keeping with the patients' needs.
Warning Nevertheless, the pulsed dyer treatment has one side-effect.
Since the new skin cells get exposed the radiant and healthy new skin becomes sensitive to sunrays.
As such, it is advised that the patients wear large hats and daily use sunscreen - SPF 45 or more.
Post-treatment Side Effects Overall, the pulsed dyed laser is non-abrasive and gentle.
Bruising of the treated skin can occur but that subsides within 3 to 14 days, depending on its intensity.
Painfulness & Safety Pulsed dyed laser treatments assure its patients of minimal pain during and after the treatment.
The prickling feeling, due to insertion of laser is curbed by a cold spray before the laser pulse is made.
An anesthetic cream can also be applied.
The downtime can be done immediately after the session.
Reason for treatment Pulsed dyed laser is used for 'correcting' targeted areas like scars and blemishes.
There are also specific 'preventive' sessions, for instance, smoothening of scar or reducing sun damage.
Generally, both these benefits ensure stimulation of collagen formation and speedy cell turn-over which cause skin rejuvenation and glowing and youthful appearance.
Patients also see a great improvement in their skin tone, post-treatment.
Similar to several other correction options, the pulsed dyed work according to the quality of treatment, desired results and the present state of the skin.
The size and depth of wrinkles and fine lines determine the treatment, and the attention and efforts required.
Hyperpigmentation disorders, like melasmas and age spots can also be treated effectively.
Besides, patients can optimally get rid of spider veins, moles, warts, birthmarks, broken capillaries, port wine marks and cherry angiomas with this treatment.
PDL Therapy Sessions One pulsed dyed laser session lasts for 30 to 60 minutes.
However, it can be as short as 15 minutes for minuscule broken capillaries.
Normally patients observe skin reconstruction within 3 or 4 sessions.
On the other hand, severe damages like dramatic scars or deep lines can require a number of sittings.
For the more critical reparations, Pro-fractional treatment is recommended.
The patients' eyes are protected by a pair of thick and dark glasses during the course of the treatment.
How It Works Energy-filled light beams of the pulsed dyed lasers are focused on the redundant blood vessels of the targeted areas.
The heat emitted by the laser light destroys these unwanted vessels without harming the healthier skin cells beneath or around them.
The safe yellow laser light does not cause any lasting damage or 'slip' through.
Pulsed duration and PDL wavelengths can be customized in keeping with the patients' needs.
Warning Nevertheless, the pulsed dyer treatment has one side-effect.
Since the new skin cells get exposed the radiant and healthy new skin becomes sensitive to sunrays.
As such, it is advised that the patients wear large hats and daily use sunscreen - SPF 45 or more.
Post-treatment Side Effects Overall, the pulsed dyed laser is non-abrasive and gentle.
Bruising of the treated skin can occur but that subsides within 3 to 14 days, depending on its intensity.
Painfulness & Safety Pulsed dyed laser treatments assure its patients of minimal pain during and after the treatment.
The prickling feeling, due to insertion of laser is curbed by a cold spray before the laser pulse is made.
An anesthetic cream can also be applied.
The downtime can be done immediately after the session.