Autism - Watching Your Child Slip Away - Part 1
"My husband George and I were ecstatic with the birth of our first child Robert.
He was a lively, happy and an adorable child.
His was also healthy, thriving and appeared absolutely normal.
Then suddenly...
at about 18 months...
he went away...
" Unfortunately, I have seen hundreds of families tell a similar story to that listed above.
Whether they are a boy or girl, age three to 13, each is unique; an individual with their own likes, dislikes and personality.
We know that biomedical autism treatment can help.
However, they all have a story to tell.
From all walks of life, backgrounds and nationalities they carry the spirit and genetic and hereditary background of their parents and family origins.
What is common to many autistic children is the way in which the autism condition overtook them.
Often there is a pattern to their autism -events that likely contributed to their eventual diagnosis.
I am going to describe to you the common pattern of regressive autism that I have seen in my practice.
However, don't think that if your child does not fall into this category that they cannot be helped by biomedical autismtherapies - any and every child, as well as teenagers and adults can be helped with biomedical treatments.
(NOTE: I will use "he" and "child" for either gender.
) The Regressive Autism Child This pattern of development is only an example, but many of the issues listed below are common to most regressive cases of autism that I have seen.
In most cases biomedical treatments for autism are helpful.
He was a lively, happy and an adorable child.
His was also healthy, thriving and appeared absolutely normal.
Then suddenly...
at about 18 months...
he went away...
" Unfortunately, I have seen hundreds of families tell a similar story to that listed above.
Whether they are a boy or girl, age three to 13, each is unique; an individual with their own likes, dislikes and personality.
We know that biomedical autism treatment can help.
However, they all have a story to tell.
From all walks of life, backgrounds and nationalities they carry the spirit and genetic and hereditary background of their parents and family origins.
What is common to many autistic children is the way in which the autism condition overtook them.
Often there is a pattern to their autism -events that likely contributed to their eventual diagnosis.
I am going to describe to you the common pattern of regressive autism that I have seen in my practice.
However, don't think that if your child does not fall into this category that they cannot be helped by biomedical autismtherapies - any and every child, as well as teenagers and adults can be helped with biomedical treatments.
(NOTE: I will use "he" and "child" for either gender.
) The Regressive Autism Child This pattern of development is only an example, but many of the issues listed below are common to most regressive cases of autism that I have seen.
In most cases biomedical treatments for autism are helpful.
- The child is born seemingly healthy, either via C-section or vaginal delivery.
- No apparent issues at birth - he may or may not have received the hepatitis B vaccine.
- At age two months the child received the first series of vaccines.
- Within the first three to four months the child is diagnosed with an ear infection.
Oral antibiotics are prescribed. - The child may successfully breast feed for three to four months, then is switched to formula - usually soy based.
- A second ear infection is diagnosed at around four to five months - again another round of oral antibiotics.
- He begins eating solids at about six months.
More antibiotics are given for an unresolved ear infection. - Then comes the four and six month vaccines.
However, he continues to develop normally.
He's playful, appears happy and content, and eye contact appears established. - Another course of antibiotics is given prior to the first birthday because of continuous ear infections.
- At one year the child is switched from breast milk or formula to cow dairy.
- He continues good progress developmentally, including verbalizing the words "dada" and/or "mama.
" - Ear infections and allergies become more prominent.
More antibiotics are given.
At this point, a child may be developing normally and nothing appears unusual.
This is a common scenario with many children who develop repeated ear infections and are treated with multiple antibiotics.
The implementation of biomedical treatment for autism takes into account these early insults of antibiotic use and dairy inclusion.
In part two of this article we will explore more of the story of regressive autism.