Overcome Your Challenges by Cultivating Your Inner Connection
It is easy to feel overwhelmed nowadays.
Whether you are trying to balance your finances, run a business, handle family emergencies, deal with relationship stresses, or take care of your own health, life is probably sending you more than one challenge at a time.
I know that's true in my own life.
When that happens, it's easy to get caught up in doing, rushing, and fixing.
Often I feel like a Whirling Dervish, running from one task to the other, rarely able to complete one before I'm distracted by the next.
The problem is that all of these demands seem equally urgent, so it's impossible to prioritize and hard to focus.
Relaxing does not even seem to be an option.
Our minds naturally think that the solution to these challenges is to run faster, do more, do it all at once.
Instead of feeling calm and on top of our "to do" list, we feel oppressed and tyrannized by our ever-expanding list of tasks.
We actually become the victim of our obligations and commitments.
What's wrong with this picture? Who or what is supposed to be in charge of your life, anyway? If you wish you could feel more in control of your life, as I do, I have good news for you.
There is a simple way to take back control, even though it may sound counter-intuitive.
The answer is to take time out for "non-doing," for simply being.
Even a short period of time devoted on a daily basis to quieting your mind, centering and grounding yourself, and connecting to your inner self will help create a sense of peacefulness that can send ripples throughout your day.
You will gain a greater perspective from tuning in to the space and peace that underlie all the doing, all the concerns.
You will feel a greater calm and inner support in all your activities.
You can also receive specific guidance.
Asking and listening for direction and clarity can be part of this process.
Make sure you remain in a receptive, empty, listening mode, and your inner contact will provide you with inspiration and even specific answers that will help you deal with your challenges.
Those answers come from a level of mind we don't normally access in our hurry and flurry.
So take time to go inward and rest in that connection, through meditation, prayer, or other practices.
Just ten to twenty minutes a day will have a powerful effect.
Doing that twice a day can be transformative.
It's important to remember that who and what you are is other than - and greater than - your circumstances.
And it is important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles, but are supported by a greater intelligence that you can easily access.
In setting some time aside every day to focus within, you will create an oasis for yourself, and start to build a reservoir of resilience, support, and guidance to take into your life.
Whether you are trying to balance your finances, run a business, handle family emergencies, deal with relationship stresses, or take care of your own health, life is probably sending you more than one challenge at a time.
I know that's true in my own life.
When that happens, it's easy to get caught up in doing, rushing, and fixing.
Often I feel like a Whirling Dervish, running from one task to the other, rarely able to complete one before I'm distracted by the next.
The problem is that all of these demands seem equally urgent, so it's impossible to prioritize and hard to focus.
Relaxing does not even seem to be an option.
Our minds naturally think that the solution to these challenges is to run faster, do more, do it all at once.
Instead of feeling calm and on top of our "to do" list, we feel oppressed and tyrannized by our ever-expanding list of tasks.
We actually become the victim of our obligations and commitments.
What's wrong with this picture? Who or what is supposed to be in charge of your life, anyway? If you wish you could feel more in control of your life, as I do, I have good news for you.
There is a simple way to take back control, even though it may sound counter-intuitive.
The answer is to take time out for "non-doing," for simply being.
Even a short period of time devoted on a daily basis to quieting your mind, centering and grounding yourself, and connecting to your inner self will help create a sense of peacefulness that can send ripples throughout your day.
You will gain a greater perspective from tuning in to the space and peace that underlie all the doing, all the concerns.
You will feel a greater calm and inner support in all your activities.
You can also receive specific guidance.
Asking and listening for direction and clarity can be part of this process.
Make sure you remain in a receptive, empty, listening mode, and your inner contact will provide you with inspiration and even specific answers that will help you deal with your challenges.
Those answers come from a level of mind we don't normally access in our hurry and flurry.
So take time to go inward and rest in that connection, through meditation, prayer, or other practices.
Just ten to twenty minutes a day will have a powerful effect.
Doing that twice a day can be transformative.
It's important to remember that who and what you are is other than - and greater than - your circumstances.
And it is important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles, but are supported by a greater intelligence that you can easily access.
In setting some time aside every day to focus within, you will create an oasis for yourself, and start to build a reservoir of resilience, support, and guidance to take into your life.