Hay Fever Facts
Hay fever usually starts developing while the sufferer is very young, particularly throughout the seasons when plant pollen gets released.
At the beginning of early spring hay fever is caused by plant pollen and at the end of this season to the beginning of summer it is usually dust.
Symptoms Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, thin and watery nasal mucus discharge, light sensitivity and also watery, red and itchy eyes.
Itchiness of the nostrils, throat, and palate is often accompanied by difficulties in breathing and swelling of the mucous membrane.
Loss of appetite and tiredness in many cases are linked to the overall problems.
Due to the fact that people could react to these tiny airborne particles in many different ways, the symptoms could possibly overlap these specific periods of time.
When it comes to non-seasonal sufferers, it's always linked to an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or sinuses.
In this case sinus problems are often the main cause.
Nasal polyps also tend to be a condition related to it.
Prevention Limiting exposure to pollen and dust is the best way of protecting against hay fever.
This isn't easy at all sometimes.
Installing an air conditioner could help greatly by filtering out the plant pollen.
Treatment For a severe allergic reaction you'll find so many medicines out there that can be very helpful from prescription drugs to over the counter antihistamines, which come in nasal spray and tablet forms.
There are also homeopathic medications available online or in most good pharmacies, which many people find very helpful to lessen their symptoms without causing any side effects.
Complications Respiratory inflammations and infections are the most typical complications.
Although untreated cases can also lead to the development or worsening of asthma.
So if you think you might be experience the symptoms of this condition, in order to effectively deal with it get a correct diagnosis and research more about the causes and treatment options.
At the beginning of early spring hay fever is caused by plant pollen and at the end of this season to the beginning of summer it is usually dust.
Symptoms Hay fever symptoms include sneezing, thin and watery nasal mucus discharge, light sensitivity and also watery, red and itchy eyes.
Itchiness of the nostrils, throat, and palate is often accompanied by difficulties in breathing and swelling of the mucous membrane.
Loss of appetite and tiredness in many cases are linked to the overall problems.
Due to the fact that people could react to these tiny airborne particles in many different ways, the symptoms could possibly overlap these specific periods of time.
When it comes to non-seasonal sufferers, it's always linked to an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract or sinuses.
In this case sinus problems are often the main cause.
Nasal polyps also tend to be a condition related to it.
Prevention Limiting exposure to pollen and dust is the best way of protecting against hay fever.
This isn't easy at all sometimes.
Installing an air conditioner could help greatly by filtering out the plant pollen.
Treatment For a severe allergic reaction you'll find so many medicines out there that can be very helpful from prescription drugs to over the counter antihistamines, which come in nasal spray and tablet forms.
There are also homeopathic medications available online or in most good pharmacies, which many people find very helpful to lessen their symptoms without causing any side effects.
Complications Respiratory inflammations and infections are the most typical complications.
Although untreated cases can also lead to the development or worsening of asthma.
So if you think you might be experience the symptoms of this condition, in order to effectively deal with it get a correct diagnosis and research more about the causes and treatment options.