Stop Panic Attacks Naturally by Staying in the Moment!
Anxiety and panic attacks begin with thinking about something, and often the "something" that leads to a panic attack has to do with something in the future, something that hasn't actually happened.
Most people are able to stop panic attacks naturally by staying in the moment.
This is easy to say, of course, but like so many things it is not necessarily easy to do.
What I'm suggesting in this article requires a fairly high degree of self awareness, as well as a fairly high degree of self discipline.
When you sense indications that you are beginning down a path of thought that will probably lead you further into distress, that's when you must take action.
You must have the presence of mind and the self awareness to notice your thought progression as early as possible.
Taking control of your thoughts is no easy task, but it is a discipline everyone can master by practice.
Most of the time thoughts which lead to anxiety and panic are focusing us on something that has not yet happened.
In fact, many times this something will never happen.
Some studies have shown that as much as 90% of what people worry about never actually happens.
I think it's also reasonable to suggest that even if what we worry about does eventually happen, the reality is much less scary than our fear suggested.
Jesus said "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
" (Matt 6:34 NASB).
Good advice! The implication is to focus on what's happening today, right now, right where you are.
Doing so will take your attention off whatever future concern was threatening to ruin your present frame of mind.
Here are some suggestions that may help you focus on the moment:
Most people are able to stop panic attacks naturally by staying in the moment.
This is easy to say, of course, but like so many things it is not necessarily easy to do.
What I'm suggesting in this article requires a fairly high degree of self awareness, as well as a fairly high degree of self discipline.
When you sense indications that you are beginning down a path of thought that will probably lead you further into distress, that's when you must take action.
You must have the presence of mind and the self awareness to notice your thought progression as early as possible.
Taking control of your thoughts is no easy task, but it is a discipline everyone can master by practice.
Most of the time thoughts which lead to anxiety and panic are focusing us on something that has not yet happened.
In fact, many times this something will never happen.
Some studies have shown that as much as 90% of what people worry about never actually happens.
I think it's also reasonable to suggest that even if what we worry about does eventually happen, the reality is much less scary than our fear suggested.
Jesus said "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
" (Matt 6:34 NASB).
Good advice! The implication is to focus on what's happening today, right now, right where you are.
Doing so will take your attention off whatever future concern was threatening to ruin your present frame of mind.
Here are some suggestions that may help you focus on the moment:
- Find a place without distraction (or as little as possible) where you can relax.
- Begin to breathe consciously and slowly, in through the nose and out through the mouth.
- Focus your attention on your body.
First focus on your feet, noticing how they feel.
Signal them to relax. - Then move up through your calves, your knees, your thighs - and continue moving up through each part of your body, signalling each part to relax.
- If any future thoughts arise, simply notice them, acknowledge them as being in the future, and as you are able re-focus your attention on relaxing your body.
- If you begin to feel anxious, simply notice whatever sensations are in your body.
Realize these sensations are simply bodily sensations.
They will pass as you observe them and let them go.
Accept being slightly anxious if that is how you're feeling, and realize that all sensations eventually pass. - As much as possible - Enjoy the moment you're in!