End the Multi-Tasking Plague Preventing You From Achieving Success
WHAT? Stop multi-tasking? How? Why? Who would do such a thing? As a full time Mom, Grandma who watches over toddlers while Mom works, business owner from home, and writer, I can tell you there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done.
You have to give up something.
I chose to give up multi-tasking.
At least to adjust it to the point that I can do what is important...
Let me explain - When I have toddlers, they need my full attention.
That doesn't mean I have to be on top of them all the time, but I can't have a gazillion other things going on and give them the attention they need.
So, I plan times when I can just spend time with them, and adjust my schedule to allow me to do the things that don't need my FULL attention while they're in my care.
We do 'homemaking' things when I have them.
· Sort and organize shelves.
· Do laundry and fold clothing.
· Bake and cook - they love to eat and lick the bowl.
· Clean and pick up - they help.
· Run errands and stop for ice cream.
(Toddlers love the post office and the line moves faster when the clerk realizes your toddlers are wreaking havoc on their front displays.
) · Exercise - they love to take walks with Grandma and play at the park.
· Play-dates with other mom-preneurs at the park or McDonalds to schmooze business.
Yup, that's me the Grandma in the McDonald's play park keeping an eye on my grandbabies and sharing business tips with a small group of young mom's over McD's Mochas.
I call it collecting ideas and they call it coaching.
The kids have fun, we talk business and I take notes.
When I write, I get up early in the morning for quiet time before the kids are up and interrupting my day.
I can get in 3 - 4 hours most mornings, before anybody realizes I'm up.
(TIP: Get a really quiet keyboard and a coffee pot that doesn't beep.
) I have notes from my days of active life and a whole mega list of articles to write, topics that need written and deadlines to meet, because I keep a schedule of when writing is due.
As a Mom, there are always interruptions in every step of my life, but I make a point to take each child out one-on-one at least once a week for some priority time.
We catch up, we critique, we admire, and we talk.
We talk.
That's the key to good parenting.
Listen to your children and communicate with them, daily.
My business gets blocks of time when the kids are out, Mom has the grandkids, and I'm not writing.
It works.
I plan.
I schedule.
I work hard.
Then, when the work time is done...
I play hard too.
You have to give up something.
I chose to give up multi-tasking.
At least to adjust it to the point that I can do what is important...
Let me explain - When I have toddlers, they need my full attention.
That doesn't mean I have to be on top of them all the time, but I can't have a gazillion other things going on and give them the attention they need.
So, I plan times when I can just spend time with them, and adjust my schedule to allow me to do the things that don't need my FULL attention while they're in my care.
We do 'homemaking' things when I have them.
· Sort and organize shelves.
· Do laundry and fold clothing.
· Bake and cook - they love to eat and lick the bowl.
· Clean and pick up - they help.
· Run errands and stop for ice cream.
(Toddlers love the post office and the line moves faster when the clerk realizes your toddlers are wreaking havoc on their front displays.
) · Exercise - they love to take walks with Grandma and play at the park.
· Play-dates with other mom-preneurs at the park or McDonalds to schmooze business.
Yup, that's me the Grandma in the McDonald's play park keeping an eye on my grandbabies and sharing business tips with a small group of young mom's over McD's Mochas.
I call it collecting ideas and they call it coaching.
The kids have fun, we talk business and I take notes.
When I write, I get up early in the morning for quiet time before the kids are up and interrupting my day.
I can get in 3 - 4 hours most mornings, before anybody realizes I'm up.
(TIP: Get a really quiet keyboard and a coffee pot that doesn't beep.
) I have notes from my days of active life and a whole mega list of articles to write, topics that need written and deadlines to meet, because I keep a schedule of when writing is due.
As a Mom, there are always interruptions in every step of my life, but I make a point to take each child out one-on-one at least once a week for some priority time.
We catch up, we critique, we admire, and we talk.
We talk.
That's the key to good parenting.
Listen to your children and communicate with them, daily.
My business gets blocks of time when the kids are out, Mom has the grandkids, and I'm not writing.
It works.
I plan.
I schedule.
I work hard.
Then, when the work time is done...
I play hard too.