Are Biblical Events Literal or Symbolic?
Rich symbolism may be found in many passages of scripture. To some, this is a clear indication that the Bible is not to be taken literally, but rather was written for the purpose of illustration. In short, some folks will assume that virtually nothing in the Bible is literally true - that its entire value and purpose is symbolic. These folks claim that most or all of scripture was composed to illustrate important points and/or lessons, and has little or no basis in actual fact and history.
The opposite extreme is manifested by those who take such a literalistic view that they seem incapable of even comprehending the symbolism of scripture. These are often the same people who assert that €The King James Version was good enough for the Apostle Paul, and it is good enough for me€. Never mind that the KJV was introduced some 1-1/2 millennia after Paul's time, or that King James English would have been incomprehensible to him!
Slippery Slope
In fact, neither group has it right. We should recognize, though, that we are walking a dangerous, slippery slope when we begin majoring on symbolism, because how do you know where to stop? Believers should be very careful when evaluating great traditions and legends. If we accept the standards of our society, or we €throw out the baby with the bath water,€ how can you determine which portions of scripture are intended to be accepted as literal facts?
There is a standard rule of translation which should be adhered to closely: €Assume that the speaker or writer meant what he or she said unless there is a compelling reason to believe otherwise.€ Some such compelling reasons would be known colloquialisms, the author's clearly stating that it is symbolic (€the kingdom of heaven is like...€, or €He told a parable to show...€), absolutely incontrovertible history which illustrates that it is not literal, etc. Please take note: The opinion of the translator does not meet this criteria, as it (opinion) is formed by forces and events which are not necessarily related to the experience of the original author.
Vain Babblings
Sometimes, even the most firmly held opinions of modern, educated humans are proven to be erroneous. We should allow scripture to stand or fall on its own merits (and yes, it will stand!). In the Bible, we are warned to recognize and reject that which pretends to be knowledge (KJV, €science€), but actually is not.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith....€ 1 Timothy 6:20-21
The Best Sources
In truth, the opinions of many people are totally reliant upon the views of those who dominate €science€, even though many who claim to be scientists don't actually practice the €scientific method€. (Yes, they claim to do so, but they apply it selectively.) Well trained, credible scientists who favor the perspective that the Bible should be treated as truth are largely ignored or ridiculed, while favored theories are treated as if they were incontrovertibly proven facts.
In evaluating scripture, unbelievers often quote what they refer to as €the best sources€, when by that term, they actually mean the sources which support their opinions. In fact, their definition of €best sources€ is often shaped by those very €sources.€ In other words, the prevailing views of scripture are frequently dependent upon circular reasoning.
Stand Firm
As Christians, we must absolutely reject limitations of our faith which are defined by unbelievers. Christian believers should be informed that a rather large body of well trained scientists exists whose members take the Bible at face value. Their perspective is that there is no conflict between true scripture and true science. The conflicts arise when one or the other (scripture or science) is misunderstood or misapplied.
When we are tempted to define scriptural records as €legend€ or €symbolism€, we should carefully examine our motives, and our choices of authority. Are we afraid or ashamed to speak clearly for God's Truth? The Bible clearly states,
€For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.€ Mark 8:38 & Luke 9:26 (KJV)
€Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.€ Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
Christians should commit to daily study of God's Word through devotions, and ask God to make His word clear. Only through prayer will God be able to make his word alive and clear to the believer.
The opposite extreme is manifested by those who take such a literalistic view that they seem incapable of even comprehending the symbolism of scripture. These are often the same people who assert that €The King James Version was good enough for the Apostle Paul, and it is good enough for me€. Never mind that the KJV was introduced some 1-1/2 millennia after Paul's time, or that King James English would have been incomprehensible to him!
Slippery Slope
In fact, neither group has it right. We should recognize, though, that we are walking a dangerous, slippery slope when we begin majoring on symbolism, because how do you know where to stop? Believers should be very careful when evaluating great traditions and legends. If we accept the standards of our society, or we €throw out the baby with the bath water,€ how can you determine which portions of scripture are intended to be accepted as literal facts?
There is a standard rule of translation which should be adhered to closely: €Assume that the speaker or writer meant what he or she said unless there is a compelling reason to believe otherwise.€ Some such compelling reasons would be known colloquialisms, the author's clearly stating that it is symbolic (€the kingdom of heaven is like...€, or €He told a parable to show...€), absolutely incontrovertible history which illustrates that it is not literal, etc. Please take note: The opinion of the translator does not meet this criteria, as it (opinion) is formed by forces and events which are not necessarily related to the experience of the original author.
Vain Babblings
Sometimes, even the most firmly held opinions of modern, educated humans are proven to be erroneous. We should allow scripture to stand or fall on its own merits (and yes, it will stand!). In the Bible, we are warned to recognize and reject that which pretends to be knowledge (KJV, €science€), but actually is not.
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane [and] vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith....€ 1 Timothy 6:20-21
The Best Sources
In truth, the opinions of many people are totally reliant upon the views of those who dominate €science€, even though many who claim to be scientists don't actually practice the €scientific method€. (Yes, they claim to do so, but they apply it selectively.) Well trained, credible scientists who favor the perspective that the Bible should be treated as truth are largely ignored or ridiculed, while favored theories are treated as if they were incontrovertibly proven facts.
In evaluating scripture, unbelievers often quote what they refer to as €the best sources€, when by that term, they actually mean the sources which support their opinions. In fact, their definition of €best sources€ is often shaped by those very €sources.€ In other words, the prevailing views of scripture are frequently dependent upon circular reasoning.
Stand Firm
As Christians, we must absolutely reject limitations of our faith which are defined by unbelievers. Christian believers should be informed that a rather large body of well trained scientists exists whose members take the Bible at face value. Their perspective is that there is no conflict between true scripture and true science. The conflicts arise when one or the other (scripture or science) is misunderstood or misapplied.
When we are tempted to define scriptural records as €legend€ or €symbolism€, we should carefully examine our motives, and our choices of authority. Are we afraid or ashamed to speak clearly for God's Truth? The Bible clearly states,
€For whoever is ashamed of Me and of My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.€ Mark 8:38 & Luke 9:26 (KJV)
€Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.€ Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
Christians should commit to daily study of God's Word through devotions, and ask God to make His word clear. Only through prayer will God be able to make his word alive and clear to the believer.