What Is Mastery in Biorhythm?
- Biorhythms are charted based on birth date, and are used to predict an individual's personal cycles. Once charted, these cycles can be used to determine the times when an individual is most, or least, productive within the charted areas of life.
- Biorhythms are believed to have originated in the East over 3,000 years ago and are thought to be the basis of the Book of Changes. Contemporary studies began over 80 years ago.
- The study of biorhythms is made up of three primary cycles--emotional, intellectual and physical. A fourth, the intuitive cycle, is also often considered.
- Mastery of biorhythms is a secondary rhythm that deals with the way that the physical and intellectual cycles work together. This component includes success, athleticism and the overall ability to meet goals.
- Biorhythm charts can be obtained online. Some introductory charts are offered for free; however, deeper analysis may require payment.
Mastery of Biorhythms