Why Marriages Breakdown - Top 5 Reasons
Each year millions of marriages break down across the world due to various reasons.
An estimate shows that about 50 percent of marriages all across the world end up in divorce.
The following are the top 5 reasons which force a marriage to breakdown.
Complacency Marriage is a long journey and with time priorities if life of the partners change.
Couples even start taking the relationship for granted.
This may result in the partner feeling neglected or unwanted giving rise to differences in married life.
Hence it is important to keep the romance and excitement alive by having surprise gifts, dates or even gestures like a word of appreciation, post it notes or an occasional call or text message expressing your love and care.
Nursing Ego Since each individual in different and have varied needs, likings and disliking, it is natural that ego can surface more often in a married life.
Ego hampers the person's capacity to think objectively.
This leads to misunderstanding and conflicts between the couples eventually leading to marriage breakdown.
Marriages can only be successful if the partners banish ego completely from their lives.
Not Acknowledging the issues No issues can be solved if the partners hesitate to acknowledge them and discuss openly with each other.
Identifying the problems and discussing openly with the other partner can bring about an amiable solution.
Otherwise it they may later assume alarming proportions to the extent that the marriage breaks down.
Dishonesty Every relationship calls for honesty and loyalty.
A marriage cannot be built on lies.
Dishonesty destroys the very foundation of the marriage and if not checked it can cause the marriage breakdown.
Lack of respect for each other Problems occur when one partner does not respect the limitations of the other partner and try to compare them with others.
Everyone is different with their unique strengths and weaknesses.
When people expose the flaws of their partner in public it kills their self esteem and this leads to a feeling of insecurity and if it continues, can result in break down of marriage.
An estimate shows that about 50 percent of marriages all across the world end up in divorce.
The following are the top 5 reasons which force a marriage to breakdown.
Complacency Marriage is a long journey and with time priorities if life of the partners change.
Couples even start taking the relationship for granted.
This may result in the partner feeling neglected or unwanted giving rise to differences in married life.
Hence it is important to keep the romance and excitement alive by having surprise gifts, dates or even gestures like a word of appreciation, post it notes or an occasional call or text message expressing your love and care.
Nursing Ego Since each individual in different and have varied needs, likings and disliking, it is natural that ego can surface more often in a married life.
Ego hampers the person's capacity to think objectively.
This leads to misunderstanding and conflicts between the couples eventually leading to marriage breakdown.
Marriages can only be successful if the partners banish ego completely from their lives.
Not Acknowledging the issues No issues can be solved if the partners hesitate to acknowledge them and discuss openly with each other.
Identifying the problems and discussing openly with the other partner can bring about an amiable solution.
Otherwise it they may later assume alarming proportions to the extent that the marriage breaks down.
Dishonesty Every relationship calls for honesty and loyalty.
A marriage cannot be built on lies.
Dishonesty destroys the very foundation of the marriage and if not checked it can cause the marriage breakdown.
Lack of respect for each other Problems occur when one partner does not respect the limitations of the other partner and try to compare them with others.
Everyone is different with their unique strengths and weaknesses.
When people expose the flaws of their partner in public it kills their self esteem and this leads to a feeling of insecurity and if it continues, can result in break down of marriage.